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944 Notes and Neivs

heiiii, Die Pracscntia Regis iiii U'oniiscr Konkordat ( Historische Viertel- jahrschrift, May); P. Doiicoeur, Lcs Premieres Interventions dn Saint- Siege relatives a I'luunaeulee Conception (XIP-XIV Siecle) I. (Revue d'Histoire Ecclesiastique, April ) ; G. Schniirer, Neuere Quellenforschun- gen i'lber den hi. Franc von Assisi ( Historisches Jahrbuch, XXVIII. i); H. Niese, Norniannisclte und Staulische Urkunden aus Apulien, II. (Quellen und Forschungen, X. i); G. Arias, Le Societa di Com- uiercio Mcdicvali iM Rapporto con la Chiesa (Archivio della R. Societa Romana di Storia Patria, XXIX., fasc. iii.-iv.). MODERN HISTORY The Rev. J. N. Figgis will shortly publish through the Cambridge University Press a small volume on political thought from the Council of Constance to Grotius, dealing with Luther, Machiavelli, the pam- phleteers produced by the French religious wars and the Venetian con- troversy, and the work of Althusius. Under the title Factors in Modern History ( London, Constable, 1907, pp. 320) Mr. A. F. Pollard publishes ten essays, mainly in the life and growth of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, on such subjects as nationality; the point of departure in modern history; the new monarchy; the coming of the middle class; State versus Church, etc. These studies were first given as lectures to the history teachers of London. Messrs. James Maclehose and Sons announce the publication of an edition similar to that of Hakluyt"s Voyages of Fynes Moryson's Itinerary, which gives an account of the social conditions prevailing in Europe in 1 589-1 598, but has never been reprinted in full since its original publication in 1617. The tenth volume of The Cambridge Modern History (Cambridge University Press, 1907, pp. xxv, 936) is entitled The Restoration, and deals largely with the period from 1815 to 1845. It includes chapters on " The Spanish Dominions in America ", " The Establish- ment of Independence in Spanish America ". and " Brazil and Portugal ". Sicily and England: Social and Political Reminiscences from 1848 to i8jo is the title of a book soon to be published by Messrs. Constable containing studies of Sicilian exiles by Mrs. Tina Whitaker, the daughter of General Scalia. Noteworthy articles in periodicals: B. Duhr, Znr Geschichte dcs lesuifenordcns aus Mi'nichener Archiven und Bibliothekcn (Historisches Jahrbuch, XXVII. i); A. Bourguet, Le due de Choisenl et V Alliance Espagnolc: Aprcs le Facte de Famille (Revue Historique. May-June). GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND A number of English archaeologists and antiquaries have recently organized The Manorial Society with the following objects: the com- pilation of an official roll of manors and of past and present lords

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