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Medieval Histojy 943

Noteworthy articles in periodicals: H. Thurston, Tlic Influence of Paganism on the Christian Calendar (The Month. March) ; H. Dele- haye, Le Tcmoignage des Martyrologes (Analecta Bollandiana, XXVI. i); H. Moretus, Les Deux Anciennes I'ies de S. Gregoire le Grand (Analecta Bollandiana. XXX'I. i ). MEDSEVAL HISTORY Emancipation of the Medieval Tozviis (1907. pp. 69), the latest number in Professor Earle W. Dow's Historical Miscellany (New York, Holt), is a translation by Professor F. G. Bates and ^Nlr. P. E. Titsworth of chapter viii. of the second volume of Lavisse and Rambaud's Histoire Gencralc. A translation of Lavisse's Medieval Commerce and Industry, also from the Histoire Gencralc, is in preparation. Gcnscric (Paris. Hachette) is the title of a study of the "andal con- quest in Africa and the destruction of the Empire of the West, by F. Martroye, author of L'Occident a I'tipoquc Byzantine. Professor Imbart de la Tour of Bordeaux has published under the title Questions d'Histoirc Sociale ct Religieusc : £poque Fcodalc (Paris, Hachette, 1907, pp. xvi, 295) studies on the commercial immunities granted to the churches ; agricultural colonies and the occupation of desert lands in the Carolingian epoch; the coutunies of La Reole, etc. Professor W. Sickel of Strassburg has made a contribution to the history of the Carolingian administration in his monograph on Der Frdnkische Vicccomitdt (1907, pp. 87). The last chapter treats of the viscounts of Italy. The Seven Liberal Arts, by P. .A.belson, is a study in medieval cul- ture, published in the series , of contributions to education of the Teachers' College of Columbia University (1907, pp. 150). The Prussian Historical Institute" in Rome has published the first installment of E. Goeller's Die Piipstlichc Poenitentiarie : ihr Ursprung und Hire Entii.'icklung bis Pins V. (Rome. Loescher). The first volume covers the period from Innocent III. to Eugenius I'. :'the first part contains an historical account, the second, documents. Father Paschal Robinson. O.F.M.. whose contributions to the history of the Franciscans have been previously noticed in our pages, is pub- lishing, through Tennant and Ward, A Short Introduction to Franciscan Literature. M. Noel 'alois devotes an important article in volume XXXIII. of the Histoire Litteraire (Paris, 1906, pp. 528-623) to the authors of the Defensor Pads. Noteworthy articles in periodicals: N. Paulus. Die Ablasse der Romischen Kirchen vor Innocenz III. (Historisches Jahrbuch, XXVIII. i); J. v. Pflugk-Harttung, Die Papstivahlen und das Kaiscrtum (1046- T^^S). con. (Zeitschrift fiir Kirchengeschichte. XXMII. i ) ; E. Bern-

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