942 Notes a7id Neivs
and Rhea-Cybele, Poseidon and Apollo. Another volume will follow on the worship of Hermes and Dionysus and on the minor cults. In the Revue Historiquc of March-April, C. Jullian reviews the important works published in French in the last few years on the sub- ject of Roman antiquity. An English translation by Alfred E. Zimniern of two volumes of Guglielmo Ferrero's important work on The Greatness and Decline of Rome has been published by G. P. Putnam's Sons (1907, pp. 336, 396). These volumes cover the period from the death of Sulla to the death of Caesar. The author is continuing the work down to the break-up of the Empire. The second volume of The Age of Justinian and Theodora, a His- tory of the Sixth Century (Macmillan, 1907, pp. 365-765), by W. G. Holmes, completes the v^'ork, the first volume of which was published two years ago. Les Arabes en Syrie avant Vlslam (Paris, Leroux), by M. Rene Dussaud, deals with the semi-nomad people to whom are due the Safaite inscriptions in the region southeast of Damascus, with the architectural remains on the Arabian-Syrian frontier, and with the history of the alphabet. Noteworthy articles in periodicals: W. L. Westermann, Interstate Arbitration in Antiquity (Classical Journal, March) ; J. Beloch, Die Konige von Karthago (Klio, VH. i ) ; B. Niese, Uber Wehmerfassung, DienstpAicht iind Heerwescn Griechenlands, concl. (Historische Zeit- schrift, XCni. 3) ; G. Kazarow, Zur Geschichte der Sosialen Revolu- tion in Sparta (Klio, VH. i ) ; T. Sokoloff, Zur Geschichte des Dritten Vorchristlichen Jahrhunderts, IV. Die Delphische Amphiktionie (Klio, VII. I) ; W. W. Tarn, The Fleets of the First Punic War (The Journal of Hellenic Studies, vol. XXVII., part i.. May 6, 1907) ; E. Kornemann, Die Neiieste Limcsforschung (ipoo-igo6) im Lichte der Roniische- Kaiserlichen Grcnspolitik (Klio, VII. i) ; P. M. Meyer, Papyrusbeitrdge zur rbuiischcn Kaiscrgeschichtc (Klio, 'II. i). EARLY CHURCH HISTORY In the April number of the Revue de Synthcse Historiquc. M. A. Puech reviews the more important works published since 1901 relating to the history of Greek Christian literature. • A French translation of the first volume of Professor Hartmann Grisar's Histoire de Rome et des Rapes au Moyen Age, which appeared in 1900, and has been issued only in German and Italian, has been pub- lished by E.-G. Ledos through the house of Desclee, Paris (1906, two volumes, pp. 465 and 456). The period covered is from the end of the fourth century to the pontificate of Gregory the Great. The translated text has been revised and in some points completed by the author.