General 939
archives and libraries; and individual direction. In the seminary his- torical texts are transcribed and edited under the supervision of the Lecturer. Two of these texts have been published by the School and a formula book of diplomatic documents and records is in preparation. Recently Mr. Hall took a party of students to Paris to inspect the Archives Xationales and other institutions under the guidance of sev- eral distinguished French archivists and professors. Next year it is hoped to pay a similar visit to Brussels and Marburg. Lectures on the Method of Science (New York, Frowde, 1906). edited by T. B. Strong, Dean of Christ Church, Oxford, exemplify the various methods used in diverse fields. Three of the lectures are " The Evolution of Currency and Coinage " by Sir Richard Temple, " Archaeo- logical Evidence " by Professor W. M. F. Petrie, and " Scientific Method as Applied to History " by the editor. The main text of Helmolt's Wcltgcschichtc (Leipzig, Bibliograph- isches Institut), has been completed by the issue of the sixth volume, treating of Mitteleuropa und Nordeuropa, up to the period of the Renais- sance, which is dealt with in the seventh volume, published some years ago. A ninth volume, to be published this year, will contain some supplementary matter. A translation of the fifth volume (New York, Dodd, 1907) treats of South-Eastern and Eastern Europe. Professor Karl Lamprecht has recently inaugurated a collection, Beitrdge sur Kultur- und Univcrsalgcschichte (Leipzig, Voigtlander), of which three fascicles have already appeared: Goethe als Gcschichts- philosoph und die Geschichtsphilosophische Bewegung seiner Zeit, by E. Menke-Gliickert, Die Entwicklung des dltesten Japanischen Seelen- Icbcns nach scincn litcrarischcn Ausdrucksfonnen, by J. Leo, and Die Entwicklung dcr allchincsischcn Ornamcntik by 'erner von Hoerschel- mann. Lavisse and Parmentier's Album Historique (Paris, Colin) has been completed by the issue of the fourth volume, which illustrates public and private life in Europe and the European colonies in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The History of Medieval and of Modern Ciz'ilization to the End of the Seventeenth Century, by Professor Charles Seignobos, is being pub- lished by Scribners. The more recent numbers in the valuable series Kirchcnrcchtliche Abhandhingcn (Stuttgart, Enke), edited by Professor U. Stutz, are a study by the Zurich jurist Dr. R. G. Bindschedler, of the Kirchliches Asylrecht {Innnunitas ccclcsiarum localis) und Frcistdtten in der Scliwcic, a contribution to general as well as to constitutional history, in which the author pictures the conflicts between the secular and eccle- siastical powers over the right of sanctuary in Switzerland from the earliest to recent times; Hildebert von Lavardin (1056-ii^s) und das Kirchlichc Stcllcnhcsct::ungsrecht, by Dr. F. X. Barth; and Das