Alinor Notices 925
details sur ce qui me concerne '". The Mciiioire siir I'affaire de Varenncs is reprinted in full (pp. 176-283), all passages of the original manuscript suppressed in 1823 being restored. At times the matter suppressed was only a phrase, at others it amounted to a page or rtiore, and contained matter of considerable importance. For the most part, it consists of criticisms of Louis XVI. and of his brothers, or touches matters concerning them that it would not have been wise to publish in 1823. The publication of the complete text of the Memoire would be a sufficient justification of the appearance of the Souvenirs. For the student of the Revolution familiar with the printed sources of the period, the Souvenirs of Bouille will not offer many revelations of first-rate importance, although the stray bits of information, the pen sketches of distinguished persons, the unpublished letters, his peculiar relations with the emigrant princes and with Gustavus IIL (Bouille was in Sweden at the time of the king's assassination), his very point of view are things that have their value for the investigator. On his return from Sweden after the king's death, Bouille visited the king of Prussia and received a message for the princes at Cologne. The first volume closes with a vivid description of the frigid reception met with at the court of the emigrants, a reception so cold that it was only with the greatest difficulty that he delivered his message. Fred Morrow Fling. Recollections of James Anthony Gardner, Commander R. N. (1775- 1814). [Publications of the Navy Records Society, volume XXXI.] Edited by Sir R. Vesey Hamilton, G.C.B., Admiral, and John Knox Laughton, M.A., Litt.D. (Printed for the Navy Records Society, 1906, pp. XX, 287, 4.) This volume differs in many respects from most of those issued by the Navy Records Society. Of history, as commonly understood, it contains little. The author lived in a critical time, and shared in some stirring naval incidents, but his account of them is meagre; and the interest attaching to his Recollections is entirely per- sonal and social. Of the crude life in the naval service in his time, the book is a telling picture. Gardner, himself the son of a commander in the navy, was born in 1770. He first shipped in the Panther in 1782; he quit the sea in 1802, and died in 1846. From 1802 to the peace in 1814, he held land appointments in the navy; and after sixteen years on half-pay as lieutenant, he was placed on the retired list with the rank of commander in 1830. His Recollections were written in 1836, and corrected slightly in later years. The present edition is from a manuscript in the possession of his grandsons. Die Weltwirtschaft. Ein Jahr- und Lesebuch, unter Mitwirkung Zahlreicher Fachleute herausgegeben von Dr. Ernst von Halle, Pro- fessor an der Universitat Berlin. I. Jahrgang, 1906; HI. Teil. Das Ausland. (Leipzig und Berlin, B. G. Teubner. 1906, pp. 281.) A characteristic feature of this projected annual review of the world's in- AM. HIST. REV., VOL. XIL — 6o.