America 7 3 ]
The Diary of a Forty-Niner, edited by Chauncey L. Canfield (New York and San Francisco, Morgan Shepard Company), is a record of life in a mining-camp on one of the forks of the Yuba River from May 18, 1850, to June 17, 1852. Some question has been raised as to the authenticity of the volume, and internal evidence has been cited to arouse doubts as to its authorship. The Discovery, Conquest, and Early History of the Philippine Is- lands, by E. G. Bourne, is published by A. H. Clark Company (pp. 87). The recently formed Champlain Society, with headquarters at Toronto, intends publishing two volumes annually. It has in the press an English translation, accompanied by the French text, of Marc Les- carbot's Histoire de la Nonvelle France. The translation is the work of Mr. 'V. L. Grant, Beit Lecturer in Colonial History at Oxford, and the introduction will be contributed by Mr. H. P. Biggar, author of " The Early Trading Companies of New France." To be published also during 1907 is a new edition with translation of Denys's Description Gcographique, a very rare work, published in 1672, describing the North American coast. This work is in the competent hands of Professor W. F. Ganong, of Smith College. Professor W. Bennett Munro, of Harvard University, whose Seigniorial System in Canada (Harvard Historical Studies, XHI.) is just out, is also editing for publication this year a volume of hitherto unpublished Documents relating to the Seig- niorial Regime in Canada. Professor Adam Shortt, of Queen's Uni- versity, Canada, is also editing for appearance this year a volume of Cartwright Papers, dealing with the Loyalist movement from the United States to Canada, and with the early history of the present province of Ontario. The Society has many other volumes in preparation, e. g., one of naval records of the conquest of Canada, and one on Louisbourg, and promises to be very active. The membership is limited to 230, a number already reached, and libraries are accepted as subscribers to the additional number of 250. Lord Dorchester, by A. G. Bradley, is the latest addition to the "Makers of Canada" series (Toronto, Morang). In the January Acadiensis we note " The History of Pokemouch ", by W. F. Ganong, continuing the series of sketches of the north-shore settlements. Mr. W. W. Blake of the City of Mexico is about to publish, in two volumes, Mcmorias de mis Tiempos, by Guillermo Prieto, a conspicuous, upright and interesting figure in the politics of the last generation. The volumes, which cover the years 1828 to 1853, are edited by Dr. Nicolas Leon. A pamphlet of 59 pages, issued by the Museo Nacional of Mexico, is devoted to Porfirio Dias, sus Padres, Nines y Juventud by Sr. Genaro Garcia. The text is in three chapters covering the career of Diaz to 1854, and documents and a bibliography are appended.