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72 2 Notes and News

land, 1905, pp. 280). The present volume covers the period August- October, 1813. Mr. W. K. Bixby is privately printing the letters of General Zachary Taylor from Matamoras and Brownsville regarding the Mexican War. Volume XV. of The History of North America is by the general editor, Francis N. Thorpe: The Civil JVar: the National Vieiv (Phila- delphia, G. Barrie and Sons, pp. 535). A recent regimental history. History of the One Hundred and Tiventy-fifth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1862-186^, has been prepared by the regimental committee (Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott). Messrs. Baker and Taylor announce that they will publish this fall the autobiography of General O. O. Howard. The recent centennial of Robert E. Lee has called forth not a little literature respecting that general. Aside from works mentioned in previous issues we note General Lee, his Campaigns in Virginia, 1861- 1865, ivitli Personal Reminiscences by Walter H. Taylor (Norfolk, Vir- ginia) and Life of Robert Edivard Lee, by Henry E. Shepherd (Neale Publishing Company). The address delivered by Charles Francis Adams at Lexington, Virginia, on January 19, 1907, has been printed in pamphlet form : Lee's Centennial. A volume that .should prove to be of unusual interest among the many similar volumes now being published is announced by Messrs. Charles Scribner's Sons: Military Memoirs: a Critical Narrative, by General E. P. Alexander, who was chief of ordnance in the Army of Northern Virginia and later was general and chief of artillery in Long- street's corps. Two volumes of reminiscences of services in Mosby's band of par- tizan rangers have recently appeared: Reminiscences of a Moshy Guer- rilla, by John W. Munson (New York, Moffat, Yard, and Company), and Mosby's Men, by John H. Alexander (Neale Publishing Company). It is worth noting that in the former the charge that Mosby's followers sometimes disguised themselves in blue uniforms is denied. The Life and Services of John Neidand MaMtt, by Emma M. Mafifitt (Neale Publishing Company), is a biographical account of Captain Maffitt of the Confederate navy. Maffitt was attached to the frigate Constitution in 1835, and the volume contains considerable ma- terial relating to the service of that vessel. At the opening of the war he became a privateer in the Confederate service, in which capacity he was conspicuously successful, and was rewarded with a regular ap- pointment. Much of the material in the present volume is taken from an autobiographical document bearing the title of " Nautilus ". The Neale Publishing Company have put forth a Life of Dr. Samuel A. Mudd, edited by his daughter, Nettie Mudd, with a preface by D. E. Monroe. The volume contains Dr. Mudd's letters written from Fort Jefferson on Dry Tortugas Island, where he was imprisoned for four

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