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volume, The Voyages of Champlain, edited by Mr. W. L. Grant, is in the press. The fifth, Narratives of Early Virginia, edited by President Lyon G. Tyler, is almost ready. Bradford and Winthrop, edited re- spectively by Hon. William T. Davis and Dr. James K. Hosmer, are in active preparation. Miss Adelaide R. Hasse of the New York Public Library is making preparations for the publication at some future time of a complete series of the commissions and instructions issued to governors of the American colonies. Mr. W. K. Bixby has in the press, for private printing, a journal kept by Dr. Alexander Hamilton, a physician of Baltimore, who took a trip through New England and the Middle States in 1754. The vol- ume will have an introduction by Professor Albert Bushnell Hart. The first volume of The Record of the Celebration of the Tivo Hun- dredth Anniversary of the Birth of Benjamin Franklin, under the Au- spices of the American Philosophical Society has appeared. It contains the speeches and letters brought out by the Franklin bi-centennial ob- served in Philadelphia last April. A new volume in the series of " True Biographies " (J. B. Lippin- cott) is in preparation : Patrick Henry, by George Morgan. The De Burians of Bangor have put forth as Yolume HI. of their publications The Revolutionary Journal of Colonel Jcduthun Baldu'in, 17/5-17^8, edited with a memoir and notes by Thomas 'iniams Baldwin. We have received three reprints from volume XXXH. of the Pro- ceedings of the United States Naval Institute, of ^Ir. C. O. Paullin's recent contributions to that journal: "The Conditions of Continental Naval Service ", " Early Naval Administration under the Constitution ", and " Naval Administration under Secretaries of the Navy Smith, Hamilton, and Jones, 1801-1S14." Jefferson's Germantoivn Letters, compiled by Mr. Charles F. Jenkins, and issued by W. J. Campbell of Philadelphia in an edition of 500 copies, contains sixty-eight letters to and from Jefferson during Novem- ber of 1793, when he, together with the other members of Washington's cabinet, was in Germantown. The volume is the third in a series of books dealing with Germantown. Pilots of the Republic, from the industrious pen of Archer B. Hulbert (Chicago, A. C. McClurg), deals with the early westward movement with the purpose of showing the part played therein by the " pioneer promoters ", among whom are classed Washington, Richard Hender- son, Rufus Putnam, David Zeisberger, George Rogers Clark, Gouverneur Morris, De Witt Clinton, Marcus Whitman, and others. We have received volume VII. of the Documentary History of the Campaign on the Niagara Frontier, collected and edited for the Lundy's Lane Historical Society, by Lieutenant-colonel E. Cruikshank (Wei-