Germany, Austria, and Sivitzerland 7 1 5
of the formation of cathedral chapters of Cologne, Mayence, and Treves, and gives lists (drawn from manuscripts and printed sources and as nearly complete as possible) of the members of these chapters. The first fascicle of Bcitriigc ziiv U'irtscliafts- iiiid So::ialgcscIiichtL' dcr Rcichsstadt Frankfurt (Leipzig, Duncker and Humblot, 1906, pp. ix, 172) includes two studies by Dr. F. Bothe, one entitled Aiis Frank- furt's Altcn Rcchcnbitchern, in which he explains their importance as sources for the history of civilization ; the second treating of the eco- nomic condition of the population of Frankfort at the beginning of the eighteenth century. In the comptes-rendu of October 10, 1906, of the Imperial Academy of Vienna, Professor J. Loserth published a report on his investigations in the archives of Hungary, Styria, and Croatia, undertaken in con- nection with the publication of the second part of his Aktcn und Kor- rcspondcnccn zur Gcschichtc dcr Gcgcnreformation in Inncr-Ostcrrcich untcr Ferdinand II. The first part of the new publication of the Commission for the Modern History of Austria, Archivalicn zur ncucrcn Geschichte Ostcr- rcichs (Vienna, Holzhausen, pp. vi, 113), contains notices of the private archives of the noble houses of Bohemia. J. Strieder's Kritischc Forschungcn zur Ostcrrcichischcn Politik (Leipzig, Quelle and Meyer, 1907, pp. viii, loi), extending from the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle to the beginning of the Seven Years' War, forms the second volume of Leipzig Historical Essays, edited by E. Brandenburg, G. Seeliger, and U. Wilcken. Geschichte der Dcutschcn in GaUzicn his IJJ2 (1907, pp. xxii. 369), part of a general history of the Germans in Carpathian lands, has been contributed by Professor R. F. Kaindl to the division of Deutsche Landesgeschichtcn in Professor Lamprecht's series of Allgemcine Staat- engeschichte (Gotha, Perthes). Documentary publications: A. F. Fuchs, Urkundcn und Rcgesten sur Geschichte dcr Aufgehobcncn Kartause Aggsbach V.O. IV.IV. [Pontes Rerum Austriacarum, Abtlg. 11., Diplomataria et Acta, Bd. 59] (Historical Commission of the Vienna Academy of Sciences, Vienna, A. Holder, 1906, pp. xxix, 442). Noteworthy articles in periodicals: M. Wehrmann, I'atikanischc Qucllen zur dcutschcn Landcsgcscliichfc (Deutsche Geschichtsblatter, January) ; F. Keutgen, Hansische Handelsgesellschaftcn, vornehmlich dcs 14. Jahrhundcrts (Vierteljahrschrift fiir Social- und Wirtschaftsge- schichte, IV. 3) ; W. Ehstein, Die letstc Krankheit dcs Kaisers Sigmund ( Mitteilungen des Instituts fiir Osterreichische Geschichtsforschung, XXVII. 4) ; J. Mialler, Die Haupt'cvege des niirnbergischen Handels im Spiltmittclaltcr (Archiv fiir Kulturgeschichte, V. i) : A. H. Loebl, Bcitrdge zur Geschichte der kaiserlichen Zcntralverwaltung ini ausge-