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7 1 4 Notes and News

ITALY, SPAIN M. Champion of Paris is publishing a revised and enlarged edition of M. Pierre de Nolhac's two-volume work on Petrarquc et rHumanisme. Documcnti per la Storia del Rivolgimcnti Politici del Coimine di Siena dal 755^ al i^6p (Paris, Picard) contains besides the documents, which occupy more than three-quarters of the volume, an introductory- commentary thereon, and an account of the earlier political history of the republic by the editor, M. G. Luchaire. Signor F. Lemmi's book on Le Origini del Risorgimento Italiano; I/8q-i8i$ (1906, pp. vii, 458) forms one of the Collesione Storica Villari, published by Hoepli, Milan. A new collection of documents for the history of Castile, Fuentes para la Historia de Castilla, has been undertaken by the Benedictines of Silos. The first volume, containing documents prior to the sixteenth century relating to the Benedictine monastery of El Moral, has been edited by Father Serrano under the title Coleccion Diplomatica de San-Salvador de El Moral (Valladolid, 1906, pp. Ixviii, 280). The development of the study of the history of Spanish law is the theme of a discours d'ouverture delivered at the Central University of Madrid by Rafael de Urena y Smenjaud: Universidad Central: Dis- cours Icido en la Solcmnc Inauguracion del Curso Acadcmico de ipo6 et igoj (Madrid, Imprento Colonial, 1906, pp. 156). Documentary publications: G. Bourgin, Fonti per la Storia dci Di- partimenti Romani negli Archivi Nasionali di Parigi [inventory of the documents in the Archives Nationales concerning the Roman State during its reunion to the French Empire, 1809-1814] (Archivio della R. Societa Romana di Storia Patria, XXIX.) ; C. Cecchini, Lettere In- edite di Giuseppe Mazzini (Archivio Storico Italiano, XXXVIII. ). Noteworthy articles in periodicals : F. Giiterbock, Die Lagc der ron- calischcn Ebene (Quellen und Forschungen, IX. 2) ; Andrew D. White, The Statesmanship of Cavour (Atlantic Monthly, March) ; Fidel Fita, Concilia de Gerona en 11 17 (Boletin de la Real Academia de la His- toria, July-September) ; El Monasterio de San-Servando en la Mitad del Siglo XL (ibid., October) ; El Concilio Nacional de Burgos en loSo {ibid., November). GERMANY, AUSTRIA, SWITZERLAND The first volume of Die Entzviclclung dcs doitschen Siiidtrzirscns, by Hugo Preuss, deals with the Entzvicklungsgcscliichte der deutschen Sliidtci'crfassung (Leipzig, Teubner, 1906, pp. xii, 379), beginning with the Roman ciz'itas upon German soil and coming down to the year 1906. A prize work by Dr. Wilhelni Kisky, Die Donikapitel der geislliehen Kurfilrstcn in ihrer persoenlichen Zusannnensefcung ini XI]'. und XV. Jahrhundert (Weimar, Boehlaus, 1906, pp. viii, 197), skelclies tlic history

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