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France 7 1 3

the War Ministry, recording the persecution inflicted by Louis XVIII. 's government on the marshals and generals of Napoleon's army. The first volume of a historical work on La France Moderne et le Prohleme Colonial (Alcan), by M. Christian Schefer, professor at the ficole Libre des Sciences Politiques, deals with traditions and new ideals, the administrative reorganization, and the revival of expansion from 1815 to 1830. The ninth volume of the great Histoire Socialiste (Paris, Rouff) of M. Jaures is the history of the Rcpuhliquc dc 1848 by M. G. Renard, professor of the history of labor at the National Conservatory of Arts and Trades, and founder of the Society for the History of 1848. The part of the book that treats of economic history is almost entirely new. A brochure of Notes et References (pp. 33), with indexes to the volume, has been published separately through Comely. The Proces-Verhaux de la Commission des Travailleurs de I'As- semblce Constituante, edited by M. Georges Renard, will form the first volume in the Bibliothcqne of the Society for the History of the Revo- lution of 1848. Rome ct Napoleon III., 1849-18 jo (Paris, Colin, pp. 370), by MM. fi. Bourgeois and fi. Clermont, is an important study of the origins and downfall of the Second Empire, based upon documents many of which are cited in full. Documentary publications : E. Deville, Cartulairc de I'Eglise de la Sainte-Trinite de Beaumont-le-Roger (Paris, Champion) ; Dietrich von Lassberg, Mein Kriegstagebuch aits deni Deutsch-Francosischen Krieg, 18/O-18/I (Munich, Oldenbourg, pp. viii, 347). Noteworthy articles in periodicals : G. Espinas, Une Bibliographie de " L'Histoire S.conomiqiie de la France an Moyen Age" [review of P. Boissonnade's Les £tudes relatives a I'Histoire Hconomiqiie de la France au Moyen Age] (Le Moyen Age, November-December) ; H. Baraude, Le Siege d' Orleans et Jeanne d'Arc, 1428-1429, concl. (Revue des Ques- tions Historiques, January) ; G. Ascoli, Essai sur I'Histoire des Idees Feministes en France, du XV I" Siecle a la Revolution, concl. (Revue de Synthese Historique, October) ; V. Pinot, Les Physiocrates et la Chine au XVIII^ Siecle (Revue d'Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine, December) : O. Thiele, Francois Qnesnay und die Agrarkrisis im Ancien Regime ( Vierteljahrschrift fiir Social- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, IV. 3) ; P. Sagnac, £tude Statist iqtte sur le Clerge Constittitionnel et le Clerge Rcfractaire en ijgi [with map] (Revue d'Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine, November) ; A. Mathiez, L'Exercice du Ctilte sous la premiere Separation, 1795-1802 (Revue Politique et Parlementaire, Jan- uary) ; P. Muret, La Question des Alliances en i86q et i8yo, d'apres des Publications Recent es (Revue d'Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine, November) ; C. Jullian, Augustin Thierry et le Monvemenf Historique sous la Restauration (Revue de Synthese Historique, October).

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