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712 Notes and News

furnish a complete bibliography of writings on modern French history published since 1898, has undertaken the useful task of producing a bibliography of the writings relating to French history after 1500, pub- lished from 1866 to 1897. The portion of the work relating to the his- tory of France since 1789, which has been deemed of most urgent im- portance and has therefore been first compiled by P. Caron, will shortly be issued under the title Bihliographie des Travaux publies de 1866 a iSpy sitr I'Histoire de la France depuis i^Sp (Paris, Cornely). A collection of Mcnioires ct Souvenirs sur la Revolution et I'Empire, with many hitherto unpublished documents, edited by M. G. Lenotre, is announced by Messrs. Perrin. The first volume is on the Massacres de Septemhre and includes the official dossier des massacreurs. The fifth series of Professor A. Aulard's Etudes et Legons sur la Revolution Franqaise (Alcan) contains the following studies: The Thermidorian reaction at Paris; the origins of the separation of the churches and the state; notes on the history of the concordat; the text of the discourse of Danton; Danton and the avocat Lavaux. In the new volume by A. Mathiez, entitled Contributions a I'Histoire Religieuse de la Revolution Franqaise (Paris, Alcan, 1907, pp. xii, 272), the author regards the Revolution as a religious phenomenon, thus maintaining the position held in his earlier contributions to the same subject. The house of Manzi, Joyant, and Co. (Paris) announce for pub- lication during the current year Le Livre du Sacre, containing repro- ductions of the designs of Isabey, Percier, and Fontaine, executed for the ceremony of Napoleon's coronation and preserved at the Louvre. The plates will be accompanied by a text by Frederic Masson. Only 350 copies will be printed, which will be sold at from 300 to 500 francs each. L'Upiscopat Franqais depuis le Concordat jusqu'a la Separation {i8o2-igo5), the work of ninety collaborators, has been published under the auspices of the Bibliographical Society (Paris, Librairie des Saints- Peres, pp. xvi, 720). This useful volume contains brief notices of each bishopric, accounts of all the titularies of every see, and bibliogra- phies. In connection with the Canon Paul Pisani's Repertoire Biblio- graphique de l'£piscopat Constitutionnel noted in the last number of this journal, it is reviewed by M. Lanzac de Laborie in Le Corrcspon- dant of February 10 (pp. 475-486) . Mr. Oscar Browning is publishing through Mr. John Lane a work entitled The Fall of Napoleon, a companion volume to The First Phase, later published under the title The Boyhood and Youth of Napoleon. The new book begins with Napoleon's return to Paris after the Russian disaster and ends with a history of his surrender at Aix. Messrs. Chapelot announce M. Ed. Bonnal's work, Les Royalistes centre I'Armcc, 181^-1820, based on documents found in the archives of

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