yio Notes and News
The Earl of Crawford intends to issvte in the spring of 1908 a bib- liographical description, precis, and census of copies of all Tudor and Stuart proclamations, manuscript or printed, that can be found. The material for the work has lately been sent to the printer; it will be published by the Clarendon Press. Professor C. H. Firth and Mrs. S. C. Lomas have compiled a useful handbook entitled Notes on the Diplomatic Relations of England and France, 160^-1688 (Oxford, B. H. Blackwell, 1906, pp. 47), consisting of lists of English ambassadors and diplomatic agents from England to France and from France to England, with references showing where the letters and instructions of each ambassador are to be found, both in manuscript and in print. We should have noted earlier an interesting book by Lewis H. Berens on The Digger Movement in the Days of the Commonwealth, as revealed in the writings of Gerrard Winstanley, the Digger, Mystic and Rationalist, Communist and Social Reformer (London, Simpkin, pp. 260). Miss Eva Scott continues her history of the Continental wanderings of Charles IL down to his return to England in May, 1660, in her vol- ume on The Travels of the King, announced for publication by Messrs. Constable. In his Essai d'nne Psychologic de I'Anglctcrrc Contemporainc, Lcs Crises Belliqueuscs (Paris, Alcan), M. Jacques Bardoux treats of the development of English political thought during the past century with reference to the national attitude toward the questions of peace and war. New volumes in the series of Victoria County Histories are Lincoln, vol. IL; Norfolk, vol. II. ; Northampton, vol. IL; Essex, vol. IL, and Hertfordshire Families, a genealogical volume of the History. Elizabethan Ireland, Native and English (Dublin, Sealy, Bryers, and Walker, pp. xvi, 294), by G. B. O'Connor, is a survey of Ireland in Elizabethan times including a copy of the map of Ireland made by John Norden between 1609 and 161 1, and preserved in the State Paper Office, London. British government publications: Reports of the Historical Manu- scripts Commission on the manuscripts of the Dean and Chapter of Wells, vol. I.; on the manuscripts of the Earl of Verulam, preserved at Gorhambury; on American manuscripts in the Royal Institution of Great Britain, vol. II. ; on manuscripts of the Marquess of Ormonde, preserved at Kilkenny Castle, new series, vol. IV. ; on the manuscripts of the Marquess of Salisbury, preserved at Hatfield House, Hertfordshire, part XL ; and " manuscripts in various collections ", vol. IV. ; Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1675-1676; Calendar of State Papers rela- ting to Ireland, 1663-1665. Other documentary publications : J. K. Floyer, Catalogue of Manu- scripts Preserved in the Chapter Library of Worcester Cathedral