Great Britain and Ireland
La France et Guillaume II. (Paris, Colin, 1907, pp. 315), by Victor Bérard, aims at giving a complete idea of the relations between France
and the German Emperor.
Noteworthy articles in periodicals: J. Müller, Nürnbergs Botschaft nach Spanien zu Kaiser Karl V. im Jahre 1519 (Historische Zeitschrift, XCVIII. 2); L. Willaert, Négociations politico-religieuses entre l'Angleterre et les Pays-Bas Catholiques (1598-1625), 2. Intervention des Archiducs en faveur du Catholicisme en Anglrterre, V. (Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique, January); de Fréville, Lally et Bussy aux Indes, Avril, 1758-Mars, 1761 (Revue des Questions Historiques, January); G. Servières, Un Épisode de l'Expédition d'Irlande: L'Extradition et la Mise en Liberté de Napper Tandy (1798-1802) (Revue Historique, January-February); J. E. Driault, Napoléon et la Paix en 1813, à propos du dernier Volume d'Albert Sorel (Revue d'Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine, December).
The second volume of Professor J. Hatschek's important work, Englisches Staatsrccht (Tübingen, Mohr, pp. 710), deals with the Constitution.
In The Origin of the English Nation (pp. 351), by H. Munro Chadwick, the author "has sought to make use of all branches of ethnological study—history, tradition, language, custom, religion, and antiquities." The book is published by the Cambridge University Press in the Cambridge Archeological and Ethnological Series.
An attempt to examine and arrange scientifically the legends of St. Edmund, king and martyr, is made in the volume entitled Corolla Sancti Eadmundi (London, Murray), which will include much from hitherto unpublished manuscripts, and a preface by Lord Francis Hervey.
His Grace the Steward and the Trial of Peers, by Mr. L. W. Vernon Harcourt, is a history of the origin and development of the Stewardship of England, announced for publication by Messrs. Longman. The work is based on original documents, many of which are unprinted.
The Domesday Inquest, by Adolphus Ballard, issued in the series of Antiquary's Books (Methuen), contains some new views on the question of the sokemen.
The Rev. S. Baring Gould and the Rev. John Fisher will publish, under the auspices of the Cymmrodorion Society, a work in four volumes on the Lives of the British Saints, containing unpublished pedigrees, original texts, and illustrations.
In C. G. Chamberlayne's dissertation on Die Heirat Richards II. von England mit Anna von Luxemburg (Halle, Kaemmerer, 1906, pp. 82), the author treats of the marriage and of its results, especially with reference to England's relations with Germany.