7o8 Notes and News
d'Histoire Ecclesiastique, January) ; H. Niese, Nonnannischc und Stau- ijsche Urkunden aus Apulien (Quellen und Forschungen, IX. 2) ; F. Schneider, Bistmn und Geldwirtschaft: Zur Geschichte Volterras im Mittelalter, II. (Quellen und Forschungen, IX. 2) ; H. Otto, Die Eide und Privilegien Heinrichs VII. und Karls IV. [with unprinted docu- ments] (Quellen und Forschungen, IX. 2). MODERN HISTORY Professor W. H. Woodward, of the University of Liverpool, treats of the development of the idea of a liberal education in his volume of Studies in Education during the Age of the Renaissance, 1400-1600 (Cambridge University Press, Contributions to the History of Education, II., pp. XX, 336). Opus Epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterodami (London, Frowde) is intended to be a complete edition — the first for two centuries — of the correspondence of Erasmus, including the prefaces to his works. The first of the five or six intended volumes covers the period from 1484 to 1515, and is edited by P. S. Allen of Corpus Christi College, Oxford. The first volume of a collection of treaties between Austria and England, edited under the title Osterreichische Staatsvertrage — England (pp. xiv, 813) by Professor A. F. Pribram of the University of Vienna, extends from 1526 to 1748, and is the third in the series of Veroifent- lichungen der Kommission fiir neiiere Geschichte Osterrcichs (Inns- bruck, Wagner). S.tiides sur la Politique Strangere du Due de Choiseul (Paris, Plon), by A. Bourguet, is composed of four studies : one on the Austriaii alliance, another on the negotiations with Holland, and the last two on the peace negotiations with England (1759 and 1761). The same author has published a work on Le Due de Choiseul et I'Alliance Espagnolc. The Vicomte Jean d'Ussel's account of La Defection de la Prusse (Deceinbre 1812-Mars iSi^) is based upon a study of the original documents (Paris, Plon). The Memoirs of " Malakoif " are extracts from the correspondence and papers of the late W. E. Johnston, edited by his son, R. M. John- ston. The book is largely made up of Mr. Johnston's letters written from Paris to the Nnv York Times, over the signature of " Malakoff ", and dealing with the Crimean War, the liberation of Italy, Napoleon III., and our Civil War. The work is published by Hutchinson in two volumes. Der Krimkrieg und die Osterreichische Politik is the subject of a valuable monograph by Heinrich Friedjung, based on manuscript ma- terial, published by Cotta (Stuttgart and Berlin, 1907, pp. 198). Father T. Granderath's Geschichte des V atikanischen Konzils von seiner ersten Ankitndiguiig bis :;u seiner Vertagung (Freiburg, Herder, pp. xxi, 748) has been concluded by the publication of the third volume.