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will contain an outline of the history of the church during a given period. The following volumes have been issued: The Church of the Fathers, by Mr. Leighton Pullan; The Church of the Barbarians, by the editor; and The Reformation, by Rev. J. P. Whitney. The celebrated history of the Councils of the Church by C. J. von Hefele (Konsiliengeschichte) , continued in the second edition by Car- dinal Hergenrother, has been translated into French by a Benedictine of Farnborough under the title Histoire des Conciles (Paris, Letouzey). The old French translation by M. Delarc, made from the first German edition and thus not including Hergenrother's volumes, has long been difficult to procure. The new translation, based on the second German edition, has been brought up to date through the inclusion of additional matter in notes, appendixes, and bibliography and will be continued so as to include the Council of the Vatican. The work will be issued in twenty-four volumes. The Marquis de la Mazeliere's three-volume work on Le Japan: Histoire et Civilisation (Paris, Plon) covers the ancient and feudal ages and the Tokugawa. A brochure by Professor C. Seignobos on L'Histoirc dans I'En- seignonent Secondaire (Paris, Colin, 1906, pp. 55) will be of especial interest to teachers who are using any of the text-books written by Professor Seignobos for his Cours d'Histoire. The author explains his conception of the aim and method of history and why he has tried to create a new instrument adapted to the new needs. By examples taken from different parts of his Cours, he shows how his method is to be applied in special instances. Noteworthy articles in periodicals: R. L. Poole, Mary Bateson (English Historical Review, January) ; L. Erhardt, Die Anfdnge und Grundbedingungen der Geschichtc (Historische Zeitschrift, XCVIII. 2) ; O. Redlich, Historisch-Geographische Problemc (Mitteilungen des In- stituts fiir Osterreichische Geschichtsforschung, XXVII. 4). ANCIENT HISTORY At a recent meeting of the Vorderasiatische Gesellschaft in Berlin, Professor Hugo Winckler reported on the remarkable remains at Boghaz-Koi in the heart of Asia Minor, which he is to investigate under the auspices of the Society, and which he has identified with the city of Kheta, the central seat of the Hittite kingdom. The finds made there amount to over two thousand items, and include many letter fragments, tablets, etc., containing among other things treaties with the kings of Egypt and with subordinate potentates. The Carnegie Institution has published in a volume embracing 62 pages of text and 106 plates Egyptological Researches: Results of a Journey in IQ04, by Dr. W. Max Muller. The main object of the vol- ume is the study of the monuments recording the relations of ancient Egypt to foreign countries, especially to Asia and Europe.