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704 Notes and News

dc VAnglctcrrc compares an Droit ct aiix Institutions dc la France dcpuis Icnr Origine jusqu'a nos Jours, six volumes (1882-1883); the Histoirc du Droit et des Institutions de la France, in eight volumes, which stops with the end of the Middle Ages and which M. Glasson had intended to bring down to modern times; and Lc Parlement de Paris, son Role dcpuis Charles I'll, jusqu'a la Revolution, two volumes (1901). M. Paul Guiraud, member of the Institute, professor of ancient his- tory at the Sorbonne, and follower and biographer of Fustel de Cou- langes, died recently in his fifty-seventh year. Among his more notable works are La Proprietc Foncicre en Grcce jusqu'a la Conqucte Romaine (1893), in which he treats of landownership in Greece in close connec- tion with its political history, and his recent volume £tudes Econoiniques sur I'Antiquitc. The veteran Professor Godefroid Kurth has been appointed director of the Belgian Historical Institute in Rome. It is rumored that the Reading Room of the British Museum will be closed for six months including the approaching summer. Recent numbers in Professor G. von Below-Meinecke's Handhuch dcr mittclaltcrlichcn und ncuercn Geschichte (Munich, Oldenbourg) are Professor Luschin von Ebengreuth's Allgemeine Miinzkundc und Gcldgcschichte des Mittelaljcrs und der neuercn Zeit and a volume con- taining Professor Oswald Redlich's Allgemeine Einleitung sur Urkund- enlehre and Professor W. Erben's Die Kaiser- und Konigsurkunden des Mittelalters in Deutschland, Frankreich und Italien (pp. x, 369). It is announced that a French translation of the archive handbook Handleiding voor het Ordenen en Beschrijven van Archieven, compiled by S. Muller, J. A. Feith, and R. Fruin, is being prepared by T. Cuvelier and H. Stein, and will include an introduction by H. Pirenne. A German translation has already appeared. A useful volume for workers in the Archives Nationales, especially for students of modern history, is M. Ch. Schmidt's Guide pour les Re- cherches d'Histoire Contemporaine aux Archives Nationales. (Les Dc- mandes de Recherches, la Salle de Travail, les Inventaires; les Sources de VHistoire d'un Departement, d'un Arrondissement, d'un Canton oic d'une Commune aux Archives Nationales.) The book, which is re- printed with numerous additions from three articles that appeared in the Revolution Frangaise, is published by the house of Champion, Paris. Morals in Evolution: a Study in Comparative Ethics (Chapman and Hall, two volumes), by L. T. Hobhouse, late Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, aims at reaching a conception of the main trend of human development by an historical classification of the different forms of ethical ideas. The Macmillan Company is publishing a series entitled The Church Universal, edited by Rev. W. H. Hutton. Each of the eight volumes

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