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La Indepcndencia dc Chile 671

Colccdon dc Historiadorcs i dc Docttiucntos rclativos a la Inde- pcndencia dc Chile. Vols. IX.-XI (Santiago de Chile: Imprenta Cervantes. 1903-1905. Pp. x, 424: vii, 384: 353; ix, 423; vi, 418; vi, 345.) The present collection is really a continuation of the Colcccion de Historiadorcs dc Chile y Docuinentos rclativos a la Historia Nacional (Santiago de Chile, 1861-1902; 29 vols.), published under the direction of Diego Barros Arana. That collection made accessible the texts of the early voyagers and chroniclers and a number of important inedited documents for the history of Chile prior to the wars of independence. It was supplemented by the Colcccion de Docuinentos Incditos para la Historia de Chile dcsde el Viaje de Magallanes hasta la Batalla de Maipo, 1518-1818, collected and published by J- T, Medina (Santiago de Chile, 1 888- 1 90 1 ; 29 vols.). The present collection provides the materials for the period of the war of independence. The contents of vols. I.-VI. may be found in Anrique and Silva's Ensayo de una Bibliografia His- torica i Jeogrdfica de Chile (Santiago de Chile, 1902), p. 55. Of the present volumes, nos. IX. and X. consist of private and official letters and reports, of the years 1810-1820, in the main inedited, throwing light on the revolutionary events of those years. Volume XI. is a re- print of chapters vii.-xv. of Jose Rodriguez Ballesteros, Rcz'ista de la Guerra dc la Indepcndencia dc Chile dcsde 181^ hasta 1826 (Santiago, 1851). Chapters i.-vi. were issued as volume V. of the series. The edition of 1851 contained glaring typographical errors and inaccura- cies (Briseflo, Estadistica Bibliogrdfica de la Literatura Chilcna, I. 514) ; and the present one was no doubt made therefore from the original manuscript in the Biblioteca Nacional of Santiago. In volume XII. there appears the reprint of a pamphlet containing a violent denuncia- tion of the public conduct of the Grand Marshal of Peru Don Bernardo O'Higgins : Carta a los Editores dc " El Mercuric " de Valparaiso sobre su Nnmcro l^^2 i Otros Particulares. por Carlos Rodrigue:; (Lima, 1833: 38 pages). The editors speak of it as " one of the most inflamma- tory, most scandalous, most gross, and most unfounded libels which have ever profaned the art of printing" (p. no). Together with this they reprint the defense made on behalf of O'Higgins: Acusacion pro- nunciada ante cl Tribunal dc Jurados dc Lima por el Doctor Don Jttan Asccncio contra cl " Alcancc al Mercuric Pcruano" publicado por Don Carlos Rodriguez . . . (Lima, 1833). Both documents, but especially the latter, contain many interesting details for the history of Chile and some important documents. Volume XIII. consists of a reprint of the translation made at Valparaiso, i860, of the first volume of the me- moirs of Lord Cochrane, Narrative of Services in the Liberation of Chili, Peru and Brazil from Spanish and Portuguese Domination (Lon- don, 1859 [1858]. 2 vols,). Of this first volume there exist also two other Spanish translations, one printed at London, 1859, and the other at Paris, 1863. Another vindication of O'Higgins, against Rodriguez's

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