482 Notes a7id News
as I Knew Him (Harper's Magazine, December) ; I. M. Tarbell, The Tariff in the Civil War (American Magazine, December) ; E. P. Ober- holtzer, Jay Cooke and the Financing of the Civil War (Century Maga- zine, November, December) ; S. N. Cook, Johnson's Island in War Days (Ohio Magazine, September) ; Duane Mowry, Senator Doolittle and Reconstruction (Sewanee Review, October) ; F. T. Hill, Impeachment of Andreiv Johnson (Harper's Magazine, November) ; D. C. Scott, The Last of the Indian Treaties (Scribner's Magazine, November) ; Allen Johnson, The Nationalizing Influence of Party (Yale Review, Novem- ber) ; Ulrich B. Phillips, An American State-Oicned Railroad [the West- ern and Atlantic] (Yale Review, November) ; H. Lorin, Les derniers Jours du Canada Francais (Revue des Deux Mondes, June i) ; J. Mar- shall Sturge, Was West Indian Slavery Harmless? (Independent Re- view, October) ; La Doctrine de Monroe et la Politique Panamcricanique (Le Correspondant, August 10) ; Jose Ingegnieros, La Evolucidn Politica Argentina y sus Bases Economicas (La Espaiia Moderna, August).