America 481
At the Congres des Societes Savantes held in Paris last May Pro- fessor Jules Humbert of Bordeaux read a paper on the documents in the archives of Guipuzcoa relative to Spanish colonization in America, referring especially to the records and papers of the Compafiia Gui- puzcoana, founded in 1728. Dr. Hiram Bingham, accompanied by Dr. Hamilton Rice, F.R.G., and assistant, left New York at the end of November for Venezuela. His plan is to follow, as far as possible, the military campaigns of General Bolivar during the War of Independence, 1812-1820. He ex- pects to travel across country on horseback some eight hundred miles, from Caracas to Bogota, and thence by the customary route to Cartagena. The expedition is undertaken in behalf of Harvard, Princeton, and Yale Universities, for the purpose of collecting scientific, historical, and geographical data. Dr. Bingham hopes also to gather material for a history of the South American wars of independence and for a history of the Scots Darien Colony. A South American publication of especial interest is Catdlogo por orden cronologico de los Manuscritos relativos a America existentes en la Bihlioteca Nacional de Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires, Imprenta de la Biblioteca Nacional, 1905, pp. 386). The Royal Academy of Gottingen has published {Abhandlungcn, phil.-hist. Kl., n. f., VI. 4) the history of the empire of the Incas by Pedros Sarmiento de Gamboa, edited by Dr. Richard Pietschmann. We note the following recent works bearing on the history of Spanish America : Las Constituciones PoUticas de Bolivia; estudio his- torico i comparativo, by Jenaro Sanjines (La Paz) ; Das heutige Mexiko und seine Kulturfortschritte, by Paul George (Jena, G. Fischer) ; Benito Juarez, su Vida — su Obra, by Rafael de Zayas Enriquez (Mexico, F. Diaz de Leon) ; Heroe y Caudillo (coniinuacion de Mejico Paciii- cado), by Adolfo Duclos-Salimas (St. Louis. Spanish American Pub- lishing Company) ; and El Sistema de Gobicnw Dual de Argentina y su Origcn, by Antonio Rodriguez del Busto (Buenos Aires, Compafiia Sud- americana de Billetes de Banco). Noteworthy articles in periodicals: H. 'ignaud, Sophus Ruge et ses Vues sur Colomb (Journal de la Societe des Americanistes de Paris, n. s., HI. i): G. Friederici, Die Ethnographic in den " Docunientos Incditos del Archivo de Indias" (Globus, November 8, 22); M. du Villiers, Une Memoire Politique du XVIIIe Siecle relatif au Texas (Journal de la Societe des Americanistes de Paris, III. i) ; A. Bertrand, Les £tats-Unis et la Revolution Franqaise (Rqvue des Deux Mondes, May 15) ; A. B. Hart, The Monroe Doctrine in its Territorial Extent and Application (Proceedings of the United States Naval Institute, vol. XXXII.) ; G. Weill, Les Lettres d'Achille Murat (Revue Historique, September-October) ; R. Corlett Cowell, "Abraham Lincoln: Master of Men" (London Quarterly Review, October); W. H. Crook, Lincoln