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Nelherla7ids and Belghun 46 1

Ducatus Cannthiac: Die Kdnitncr Gcschichtsqiicllcn, IV. 2 (1263- 1269) ; N untiaturhcrichtc aiis dcr Schmcis scit dcm Concil von Tricnt, I. I, Die Nuntiatiir von Giovanni Francesco Bonhomini, ij/g-i^8i, Aktenstiicke sur Vorgeschichte, Nuntiaturberichte, und Correspondens mit Carlo Borromco, ed. Steffens and Reinhardt; Urkundenbuch der Stadt und Landschaft Ziirich, VII. i, ed. Escher und Schweizer: Die Ziircher Stadtbiicher des XIV. und XV. Jahrhunderts, III.; Urkunden- register fiir den Kanton Schaffhauscn, I. (987-1469). Noteworthy articles in periodicals: F. Rauers, Zur Gcschichte der alten Handelsstrassen in Deutschland (Petermann's Mitteilungen, LII. 3) ; S. Rietschel, Landleihen, Hofrecht und Inimunitlit (Mitth. des Instituts f. osterr. Geschichtsforschung, XXVII. 3) ; M. Lenz, Kbnig IVilhclm und Bismarck in Gastein 186^; Ein neuer Beitrag zur Kritik der " Gedanken nnd Erinneningen", I. (Deutsche Rundschau, No- vember) . NETHERLANDS AND BELGIUM; The Rise and Decline of the Netherlands, by J. Ellis Barker, which is among the announcements of Smith Elder and Company, is described as a political and economic history and a study in practical statesman- ship. Professor Feli.x Rachfahl of Konigsberg, author of an interesting monograph on Margaret of Parma and of other minor writings in the same field, has brought out the first volume of his JVilhelni von Oranien und der niederlandische Aufstand (Halle, Niemeyer, pp. 642). The Royal Historical Commission of Belgium has decided to under- take a scientific investigation of foreign archives for materials for national history. At Simancas the documents relating to the Spanish government in Belgium in the seventeenth century are to be inventoried by Professor H. Lonchay of the University of Brussels, who will also gather there material for the continuation of the publication of Gachard's Correspondance de Philippe II. At Vienna AI. J. Laenen, archivist of the Archbishop of Malines, is to calendar the documents connected with the origins of Austrian rule in Belgium. Under the general title Analecta Vaticano-Belgica the Belgian His- torical Institute of Rome has begun its series of documentary publica- tions. The first volume contains Snppliques de Clement J'l. (1342- 1352), edited with analyses by the director of the Institute, Dom U. Berliere (Rome, Bruges, Paris, 1906, pp. xx.xix, 952). The Institute has also published lately an Inventaire Analytique des Diversa Cameralia des Archives Vaticanes (1389-1500), by the director (Paris, H. Champion, 1906, pp. ix, 328). M. Arnold Fayen of the Belgian Historical Institute at Rome has edited with much care, and the city of Ghent has published, as a part of the second series of the Cartulaire de Gand, the Liber Traditionmn Sancti Petri Blandiniensis (pp. 309), a record of gifts to the Benedictine

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