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46o Notes and News

The H-ansische Geschichtsverein has issued its thirty-second " Jahres- bericht", showing that there has been published in the past year: Oldenburg's Seeschiffahrt (ed. Sello), and Burgcnsprachen der Stadt Wisniar (ed. Techen). Since Koppniann's death the conduct of the Hansische Geschichtsbldtter has been in the hands of a committee; for the future it will be issued semiannually. Band 22 of the Archiv f. hbhmische Geschichtc (Archiv Cesky) con- tains an index to vols. 1-22. This shows the journal to contain a large amount of documentary material especially of economic importance from the middle of the fourteenth century to 1620. The bibliography of Bohemian history which is being published by the Bohemian Academy (ed. C. Zibrt) in the Czech language (Biblio- grafie Ceske Historic) .comprises so far two volumes: Vol. I. (1900), 674 pp., with 23,871 titles, and Vol. II., 1,216 pp. with 15,429 titles under Literature and 4,992 under Sources. These volumes bring the work to 1419; Vol. III. will come to 1600. Moravia, Silesia, and Lusatia are included. The great extent of the work is due to the fact that not only titles but summaries of contents are given. The arrangement is based on that of Dahlmann-Waitz. Leopold Engel's Geschichte des Illuminatcn-Ordens (Berlin, H. Ber- muhler, 1906, pp. x, 467), a large book with many illustrations, is primarily a history of the movement in Bavaria, based, as is claimed, on exhaustive archive-researches in Munich, Berlin, Dresden, Gotha, Paris, Vienna, the secret archives of the order itself, and various private col- lections. The Swiss National Historical Association has just published a Repertorimn iiber die in Zeit- iind Sammelschriften der Jahre i8gi-ipoo cnthaltenen Aufsdtze und Mittheilungen Schweisergeschichtlichen Inhalts. It is a continuation of the publication of 1892 by J. L. Brand- stetter for the period 1812-1890 (_ Basel, Buch- und Antiquariatshand- lung). The historical section of the Annual Congress of Swiss Catholics, meeting at Fribourg September 21-23, decided to begin the publication of a review of Swiss ecclesiastical history and one of Swiss modern and contemporary history. The Allgemeine Geschichtsforschende Gesellschaft der Schweiz, at its meeting in Winterthur, September 10 and 11, resolved upon a com- prehensive plan for a new series of the Qiicllcn zur Schiveizer Ge- schichte, embracing three chief divisions, of chronicles, documents, and individual correspondence respectively. A guide to the literature of Swiss history by Frida Gallati is also in progress. Documentary publications: Deutsche Rcichstagsakten unter Kaiser Sigismtind, IV. 2 (1431-1433) ; Archiv fiir ocsterrcichische Geschichte, XCV. I ; Ocsterrcichische Urbarc, III. Urbare des Benediktiiierstiftes Gottzvcig von IJ02 bis 1536, ed. Ad. Fr. Fuchs; Moniiwciita Historica

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