Germany, Austria, and Szvitzerland 459
lifcrdr- iind dogmengeschichtliche Untcrsuchung iibcr seincn Chryso- passus Praedestinaiionis aus dem J. 1514. The Vcrcin fiir Refonnationsgeschichte has begun the publication of a series of studies on Luther, intended especially to defend him from the attacks of P. Denifle. The first of these is b}^ K. Benrath, Luther im Klostcr, 1505-25. A new series, Leipzigcr Historischc Abhandlungen, edited by Pro- fessors Brandenburg, Seeliger, and Wilcken, makes its beginning with a monograph by Dr. O. A. Hecker, Karls V. Plan sur Griindung eines Rcichshiindcs; Ursprung und crstc Vcrsuchc his sum Ausgange des Uhncr Pages, 154/ (Leipzig, Quelle and Meyer). In the late Professor Zwiedineck-Siidenhorst's Bibliothek Deiitschcr Geschichte the new issues are volume IIL of Ritter's Deutsche Ge- schichte im Zcitalter dcr Gegenreformation und des dreissigjdhrigen Krieges, 1555-1648, and the first two volumes of Kraus and Kaser's Deutsche Geschichte im Ausgange des Mittelalters, 14^8-151^ (Stutt- gart, Cotta). The Archiv fiir Kulturgeschichte, IV., Erganzungsheft i, is devoted to Dr. R. Fester's publication of " Der Universitats-Bereiser Friedrich Gedike und sein Bericht an Friedrich Wilhelm II.", in 1789. The docu- ment (pp. 6-92) contains Gedike's notes of a seven-weeks' trip among fourteen non-Prussian universities (Helmstadt, Gottingen, Marburg, Giessen, Mainz, Heidelberg, Stuttgart, Tiibingen, Altdorf, Erlangen, Erfurt, Jena, Leipzig, Wittenberg), undertaken for the Prussian govern- ment for the purpose of getting information about general conditions but especially about professors whom it might seem desirable to call to Prussia. A large amount of personal information is given. The Macmillan Company has published in two large volumes an English translation of the Hohenlohe memoirs, the German edition of which, Denkzvilrdigkeiten des Fiirsten Chlodv:ig sn Hoheniohe-Schill- ingsfilrst, published in the autumn (Stuttgart and Leipzig, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt), created so great a sensation in diplomatic and political circles. The " Deutsche Stadtetag " has undertaken the establishment at Berlin of a library on urban history and conditions, and has formed plans for starting it with the collecting of local material by its members. Band 40 of the Zeitschrift des Vereins fiir die Geschichte Schlesiens z accompanied by the eighth volume of the Silesian Fiirstentagsakten (Acta pubHca), dealing with the year 1629 and of particular interest with respect to the Counter-reformation in Silesia. Heft 2 of the Beitrdge sur Geschichte Niedcrsachsens und IVest- falens contains a study by Bruno Engler on the French government in Miinster of the Napoleonic period. This is supplemented by an article by H. Hulsmann in the Zeitschrift fiir vatcrlandische Geschichte und Altertumskunde, 63, with special reference to the city's constitution. AM. HIST. REV., VOL. XU. — ^O-