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458 Notes mid News

Camfagna Roinana, continuation (Archivio della R. Societa Romana di Storia Patria, XXIX. 1-2). GERMANY, ATTSTRIA, SWITZERLAND The following prizes are offered for the immediate future by German associations: Fiirstlich Jablonowski'sche Gesellschaft, Leipzig, M. 1500 for dissertations in the years 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909 on the subjects respectively of dialect-formation, the development of German Kulturgc- schichtschreibung in the nineteenth century, the economic legislation of the chief German states from 1400 to 1618, Greek financial conditions: the Gesellschaft fiir Rheinische Geschichtskunde, M. 2000 for a.histor} of the Cologne staple (July 1908), M. 2000 for a history of the Rhenish press under the French rule (July 1908), M. 3000 for a history of glass- painting in the Rhine regions from the thirteenth to the beginning of the sixteenth century (July 1908), and M. 2000 for a history of the founding and continuance of the Prussian rule on the lower Rhine (in commemo- ration of the three-hundredth anniversary thereof). The Historische Zcitschrift has issued a Register for Vols. LVIL- XCVI. ; it is arranged both alphabetically and by subjects (pp. xi, 334). Workers in German history are provided with a new guide in the Quellenkunde der deutschen Geschichte of Dr. K. Jacob, of which Vol. I. (Leipzig) comes to the end of the fourteenth century. It has been noticed favorably by high authority. F. Dietrich in Leipzig has published Band XVIII. of the Biblio graphic der deutschen Zeitschriften-Literatur, embracing scientific journals besides " Zeitungsbeilagen " and " Sammelwerke." The volume covers the first half of 1906 and records about 2,000 periodicals. The ninth annual conference of " landesgeschichtlicher Publikations- institute " was held at Stuttgart April 17-21, in connection with the " Versammlung deutscher Historiker ". The report, by Dr. Armin Tille, will appear in January (Leipzig, Duncker and Humblot). The condi- tions of the publication and sale of historical material were discussed, and projects were submitted for extensive issues in the sources of agra- rian history and for " Miinzwerke ". A committee was appointed to report at the next meeting on the conditions of " Regesten und Regesten- werken " and a report was made as to sources for the history of urban law and industry. The fourth volume of Professor E. Michael's Geschichte des deut- schen Volkcs voin dreizehnten Jahrhundert bis cum Ai(sgang des Mittchdters (Freiburg i. B., Herder, 1906) is devoted to poetry and music. Dr. J. Greving, Privatdozent at Bonn, has undertaken with various other Catholic scholars the publication of a collection entitled Refonna- tionsgeschichtliche Studicn und Tcxte (Miinster, Aschendorflf). It will be devoted mainly to Catholic writers of the sixteenth century. The first issue (by Dr. Greving) is Johann Bck als jungcr Gelchrtc: Eine

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