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Italy and Spain 45 7

iT. Julien Luchaire has undertaken to set forth the intellectual origins of contemporary Italy, and has begun with a study of the years 1815- 1830: Essai sur I' Evolution IntellcctucUc dc V Italic dc 1S15 a 18^0 (Paris, Hachette). The complete works of Giuseppe Mazzini are to be published under the auspices of the Italian government, through the house of P. Galeati, of Imola. A Revolutionary Princess: Christina Betgiojoso-Trivuhio, Her Life and Times (1808-1871), by H. Remsen ^^'hitehouse, was published re- cently in London (Unwin, pp. 317). The Archivo Marchigiano del Risorgimento, edited by Ernest Spadolini and Luigi Mancini (Sinigaglia, Puccini e Marra. 1906), a historical quarterly recently founded to stimulate historical studies upon the Marche, 1796-1870, has now reached its third number, and may be said to have exhibited already sufficient merit to justify its existence. It closely resembles in character and scope the Archivo Storico del Risorgiuicnto Uinbro ; both are doing excellent work in preserving and systematizing material for the Italian history of the period, particularly of their respective provinces. A review has been founded to serve as an organ of historical studies relating to the region of the upper Adige : Archivio per I'Alto Adige, under the 'direction of E. Tolomei (Trent, Zippel). Senor Manuel Danvila y Collado, author of El Poder Civil en Espaiia, has published a volume entitled Estudios e Investigaciones Historico- Criticas acerca de las Cortes y Parlamentos del antiguo Reino de Valen- cia (Madrid, Jaime Rates, 1906, pp. 508). Modern Spain, 1815-1898, by the late H. Butler Clarke (with a memoir by the Rev. W. H. Hutton), is announced for forthcoming publi- cation by the Cambridge University Press. Documentary publications: J. Luchaire, Documcnti per la Storia dei Revolgimenti Politici del Comune de Siena dal 1354 al i^dQ, with intro- duction and notes (Paris, Picard, 1906) ; O. Karmin, La Legge del Catasto Fiorentino del 1427 (Firenze, Seeber, 1906) ; G. Bourgin, Fonti per la Storia dei Dipartimcnti Romani ncgli Archivi Nasionali di Parigi (Archivio della R. Societa Romana di Storia Patria, XXIX. 1-2) ; A. Rodriguez Villa, Corrcspondencia de la Infanta Archiduquesa Dona Isabel Clara Eugenia de Austria con el Duque de Lerma (Boletin de la Real Academia de la Historia, April-September). Noteworthy articles in periodicals: J. Calmette, La Politique Espag- nole dans la Guerre de Ferrare, 1482-1484 (Revue Historique, Novem- ber-December) ; C. Benoist, Cesar Borgia, I. La Preparation du Chef- d'Oeuvre (Revue des Deux Mondes, November i); W. R. de Villa- Urrutia, Espaiia en el Congreso de Viena, segun la Corrcspondencia Oficial de D. Pedro Gomes Labrador, Marques de Labrador (Revista de Archivos, Bibliotecas y :Museos, July-August) ; G. Tomassetti, Delia

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