Notes ajtd Neius M. Leon Mirot has published a study of Lcs Insurrections Urbaincs ail Debut dn Rcgne de Charles J'L, 1380-1383 (Paris, Fontemoing. 1906). Only recently has provision been made for including matter relating to modern history in the " Collection de Textes pour servir a I'fitude et a I'Enseignement de I'Histoire ". The volumes already publfshed are to be considered as forming part of a first section, which will extend to the end of the seventeenth century; while for the eighteenth and nine- teenth centuries there will be a second section, under the direction of a special committee. Among the numbers announced for the new section are: Recueil des Protestations dc la Cour de Rome contre lcs Articles Organiqnes, by Count Boulay de la Meurthe, Les Grandes Traitcs dc la Revolution et de I'Empire, by E. Bourgeois, and a critical edition of the Mcmoircs of Brissot, by C. Peroud (Paris, Picard). The Societe d'Histoire Moderne has in the press, besides the Anecdotes of the tribune Duveyrier, three new volumes: Mcnioires Militaircs de Klever pour servir a I'Histoire de la Guerre de Vendee, edited by M. Baguenier-Desormeaux; Souvenirs et Fragments du Mar- quis de Bouille (the father of this Bouille had a part in the affair of Varennes) ; the Journal kept by Charles de Lacombe, member of the National Assembly of 1871. In a Repertoire Bibliographique de I'Episcopat Constitutionnel {ijoi- 1802), announced by the house of Picard, Paris, the Canon Paul Pisani aims, by bringing together in the form of short notices the chief out- lines of the life of the bishops of that period, to provide the materials for a history still to be written. Commandant Balagny's exhaustive work upon Napoleon's campaign in Spain has reached the fourth volume, which is entitled La Course dc Benavente — La Poursuitc de la Corogne. This work is published under the direction of the historical section of the general staff of the army (Paris, Berger-Levrault and Company). M. Gabriel Monod's Jules Michelct, £tudes sur sa Vie ct ses Oeuvres (1905) is to be followed this year by a volume on Lcs Debuts de Jules Michelet, in which M. Monod will set forth the life and education of Michelet from 1815 to 1830: his home life and his first marriage (with Pauline Rousseau), and his education at the Institution Briand, the 6coIe Sainte-Barbe, and the ficole Preparatoire. A series of such volumes is to lead up to a biography of Michelet. The third part of the history of the Republican party in France by M. Tchernoff is entitled Le Parti Republicain au Coup d'£taf et sous Ic Second Empire (Paris, Pedone, 1906). The author has made use of some unpublished memoirs. The first part was published in 1901. Upon the initiative of the Societe Dunkerquoise pour I'Encourage- ment des Sciences, des Lettres et des Arts, a congress of scholars inter- ested in the history of northern France and of Belgium is to be held