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Rolls, Edward I., vol. I'., 1296-1302; Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem, vol. II., Edward I.; List of Inquisitions ad quod Damnum pre- served in the Public Record OMce (Part 2) ; Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers relating to Great Britain and Ireland, Papal Letters, vol. 'II., 1417-1431 ; Feet of Fines for Essex, Part VII. Noteworthy articles in periodicals : W. L. Mathieson, The Scottish Parliament, 1560-ijoj (Scottish Historical Review, October) ; E. I. Carlyle, Committees of Council under the Earlier Stuarts (English His- torical Review, October) ; C. Brinkmann, Charles II. and the Bishop of Miinster in the Anglo-Dutch War of 1665-1666 (English Historical Re- view, October) ; K. Stahlin, Die Politik der englischen Landgrenze von einst und jetst: Die schottische und die indische Frage (Historische Zeitschrift, XCVIII. i). FRANCE In the series entitled Archives dc I'Histoire Religieusc dc la France (Picard), we have received La Pragmatique Sanction de Bourges. a volume of documents edited by M. Noel Valois. The committee will hefore long publish a second volume of the correspondence of Cardinal Jean du Bellay, and a second volume of the nunciatures of France under Clement VII., while those under Paul IV. are under editorial preparation by Father Rene Ancel. The committee also announces as in preparation La Desolation des £glises de France pendant les Guerres de Religion, •edited by L. LeGrand. Happily the index to M. Molinier's volumes on Les Sources dc THistoire de France, des Origines aux Guerres d'ltalie. has at last appeared. It is the work of an experienced bibliographer, L. Polain (Paris, Picard). Steps are being taken by a group of scholars in France to found a review whose field shall be colonial history. It is to be called La Revue d'Histoire Colonialc. The following volumes are announced as in the press for the " Col- lection de Documents Inedits": Proces-Verhaux du Comite d'lnstruc- iion Publique de la Convention Nationale, tome VI.; Correspondance Generate de Carnot, tome IV.; £tats Generanx de 1614; Lettres de Catherine de Medicis, tome X. (supplement) ; Proces-Verhaux et Arretcs du Direct aire Executif; Actes Notaries de Sully. Among the issues of the Societe de I'Histoire de France as for the year 1906 is the first volume of the Mcmoires du Lieutenant-General Souvigny; perhaps also the first volume of the Memoires du Cardinal de Richelieu. For early publication the society has in hand the second volume of the Mcmoires dc Saint-Hilaire, edited by L. Lecestre, and the first volume of Mcmoires Militaires du Marcchal Due de Croy, under the care of L. Dores and the Viscount de Grouchy. In the preparation of L' Arbitrage dans le Droit Frangais aux XII I^ ct XIl'^ Sicclcs M. J. Fourgous has made extensive use of manuscript sources (Paris, Fontemoing, 1906, pp. 213).