452 Notes and News
A Descriptive Catalogue of Derbyshire Charters in Public and Pri- vate Libraries and Muniment Rooms has been compiled by Mr. J. H. Jeayes, assistant keeper in the Department of Manuscripts in the British Museum, and published recently through Messrs. Bemrose. The volume contains over two thousand charters arranged under place headings and indexed, with short abstracts in English. Mr. Laurence Gomme is about to publish through Mr. Fisher Unwin a work entitled The Governance of London; Studies of the Place of London in English Institutions. Professor Ramsay Muir and Miss Edith M. Piatt have published through Messrs. Williams and Norgate A History of Municipal Govern- ment in Liverpool from the Earliest Times to the Municipal Reform Act cf i8^j. The volume consists of a narrative portion by Professor Muir and a collection of charters, leases, and other documents in Latin, Nor- man French, and English, many of them hitherto unpublished, which ■have been transcribed, translated, and edited by Miss Piatt. The Scottish History Society, having lately issued for the subscrip- tions of 1905 the second volume of the Records of the Justiciary Court of Edinburgh, the Records of the Baron Court of Stitchill, and the first volume of Macfarlane's Geographical Collections relating to Scotland. proposes to issue for 1906 the second and third volumes of the latter, and the Statuta Ecclesiae Scoticanae, all of which are nearly ready. Later it intends to print a volume of the charters of Inchaffray, the Ochtertyre House-Book of Accounts, 1737-1739, a selection of the Forfeited Estates Papers, and a third and final volume of the Records of the Commissions ■of the General Assemblies, 1650-1653. The Early Scottish Church; Its Doctrine and Discipline (Edinburgh, Sands and Co., 1906, pp. 306) by Dom Columba Edmonds, is chiefly an attempt to prove that the ancient Scottish church never claimed to be independent of that of Rome, yet has much learned material respecting Celtic Christianity, the abbots of lona, liturgy and ritual. The New Spalding Club of Aberdeen has begun its promised publica- tion of the registers of the Scottish Catholic colleges on the Continent by a volume devoted to the registers of students. Records of the Scots Colleges at Douai, Rome, Madrid, Valladolid and Ratisbon, vol. L (pp. 339). The whole period is covered in each case, save that in the instances of the colleges at Rome and Valladolid, which still flourish, the lists extend only to 1900. Biographical notes are added. A Great Archbishop of Dublin, William King, D.D., i6^o-r/3o. recently published by Messrs. Longmans, consists of an autobiography and selections from Dr. King's correspondence, edited by Sir C. S. King (pp. 346). British government publications ; Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds in the Public Record Otfice. vol .; Calendar of the Charter Rolls, vol. II., Henry III., Edward I.. IJ57-1300: Calendar of Close