450 Notes and News
The Grand-Duke Nicholas Mikhailovich has brought out at Paris in four considerable volumes a work on the Relations Diploiiiatiqucs de la Russie et de la France, 1808-1812. Noteworthy articles in periodicals: J. Perez de Guzman, Matn'iiionios Regies entre Inglaterra y Espaila, 1622 (La Espaiia Moderna, July) ; C. de Bildt, Cristiiia di Svesia c Paolo Giordano II. Duca di Bracciano (Archivio della R. Societa Romana di Storia Patria, XXIX. 1-2) ; G. Desdevises du Dezert, De Trafalgar a Aranjues, 1805-1808, Notas de Historia Diplomatica (Cultura Espaiiola, November) ; G. Goyau, Un An dc Politique Pontificale: Consalvi an Congrcs de Vicnnc (Revue des Deux Mondes, September). GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND English Historians, with an introduction by A. J. Grant, professor of history in Leeds University (Blackie) contains parallel passages from the writers showing their aims and motives as stated by themselves and their style and methods as displayed in their works. The Historical Manuscripts Commissiouihas in the press reports on the manuscripts of the earls of Verulam and Ancaster, the bishops of Salisbury and Exeter, and the deans and chapters of Exeter and Wells, a fourth volume of the Ormonde papers, and a third volume of the calendar of the Stuart manuscripts possessed by the King. We have received the twenty-second volume (new series) of the Genealogist (London, George Bell and Sons, 1906, pp. viii, 320), edited by Mr. H. W. Forsyth Harwood of the Middle Temple. Melandra Castle is the title of a volume describing the excavations undertaken by the Classical Association at the Roman fort of Melandra in Derbyshire. The book is prepared by different members of the Manchester Branch of the Association and edited by Professor R. S. Conway (Manchester, University Pi-ess, 1906). Among the writers are Professor Boyd Dawkins and Dr. Haverfield, author of The Roman- ization of Roman Britain, recently published. A volume of Lectures on Early English History, by Bishop William Stubbs, edited by Arthur Hassall, has been published through Messrs. Longmans (London, 1906, pp. vi, 391). The volume begins with a survey of the materials for English constitutional history in the Nor- man and Angevin periods. The remainder of the book traces the evo- lution of the chief European constitutions. An excellent Jena dissertation, prepared under the supervision of Professor Cartellieri, is Jung Hcinrich, Konig von England. Sohn Konig Hcinrichs II., iij^-iiS^ (Jena, Kampfe, 1906, pp. xiii, 83), by C. E. Hodgson. Volume IV. of the Political History of England is by Professor C. Oman, and covers the period from the coronation of Richard II. to the death of Richard III. (London, Longmans, pp. 542). 'olume V.