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The third volume in the new series of " Translations and Reprints from the Original Sources of European History," published by the Department of History in the University of Pennsylvania, is the His- tory of the Langobards, by Paul the Deacon, translated and edited by W.D. Foulke. A specially useful contribution to the study of monastic history is the critical edition of a Cluniac customary from the tenth or early eleventh century, in the second volume of Coiisuctudiiies Monasticae, by Dom Bruno Albers (Monte Cassino). The relations between the church and the Orient in the time of the Crusades form the subject of a new volume in the " Bibliotheque de I'Enseignement de I'Histoire Ecclesiastique " : L'EgUse et I'Orient au Moyen-Agc : Les Croisadcs, by L. Brehier (Paris, Lecoffre). Rev. Paschal Robinson, O.F.M., has translated into English The Golden Sayings of Blessed Brother Giles, following the critical Latin edition published last year by the fathers of Quaracchi as the third volume of their Bibliotheca Franciscana Ascetica Medii Aevi. The little volume is published by the Dolphin Press, Philadelphia. Saint Antoine de Padoue d'apres les Documents Primitifs, by P. Leonard de Cherance (Paris, Vve. Poussielgue, 1906, pp. xv, 257), forms volume XVHL of the first series of the Noitvelle Bibliotheque Fran- ciscaine. Documentary publications: J. Brochet. La Correspondance de Saint- Paulin de Nole et de Sulpice Severe (Paris, Fontemoing, 1906, pp. lii) ; G. Schniirer and D. Ulivi, Fragmentum Fantnssianum: [containing the] Pactum sire Proiuissio Facta per Pipinum Patricium Stephana Seciindo PontiUci (£tudes Historiques de Fribourg, fascicule IL, 1906) ; F. Van Ortroy, Vie Incdite de S. Bernardin de Sienne, par un Frere Mineur, son Contemporain (Analecta Bollandiana, XXV. 3). Noteworthy articles in periodicals : Gino Arias, La Chicsa e la Storia Economica del Medio Evo (Archivio della R. Societa Romana di Storia Patria. XXIX. 1-2) ; W. Goetz, Mittelalter und Renaissance (Histor- ische Zeitschrift, XCVUL i); R. Poupardin, Charlemagne et la Prin- cipautc Lombarde (Le Moyen Age, Sept. -Oct.) ; P. Fournier, £tude sur les Fausscs Dccrctales: IV. La Patrie des Fausses Decretales; 2. La Province dc Tours (Revue d'Histoire Ecclesiastique, October) ; A. Poncelet, J'ie et Miracles du Papc S. Leon IX. (Analecta Bollandiana, XXV. 3). MODERN HISTORY The fourth volume of the Cambridge Modern History, devoted to The Thirty Years' War, has just appeared (Cambridge, University Press). Mr. John Murray announces, as the first issue (four volumes) in the " Indian Texts Series " edited by Professor T. W. Rhys Davids, Storia do Mogor; or the Mogul Memoirs (i6§^-j/08). by Niccolao Manucci the Venetian, translated, edited, and annotated, under the supervision of the Royal Asiatic Society, bv Mr. ^^'illiam Irvine.