Intercepted Letters of Virginian Tories, ly/j 345
Portsmouth Xovr 20th, 1775. Dear Jack: I have yet at this date an Opportunity of writing you by the Christie Capt James Avery Which I am sorie for, I wish she had Saild 10 days Ago As I expected, for I Apprehend 'ithin this few days A great Many people has had there Eyes Opened And Will Write now by this Sloop for Goods. the Governor went this day Week with a party of the Troops and some Volentiers from Norfolk to the Great Bridge landed them and marched to Kemps, where a Number of Shirt Men' from Princes Ann and some of Norfolk Co, had collected to the Number of 3 or 400 Men who drew themselves up, and determined to Wait the arrival of the Troops and give the Governor Battle. As soon as the Troops Ap- peared the Shirt Men began to fire as far as they could see them, and kept on fireing till the Troops got pretty near them but did no damage, the Troops Made One fire which made the Shirt Men all take to the Woods they killed Some Say 4 or 5 others 8 or 9 and took a Number of Prisoners amongst them Col" Hutchings and Anth" Lawson' who is now Confined on Board the Eilback. the Governor Imediately Issued his Proclamation (Copy of which I Inclosd Mr Sym) declaring all Rebels that did not Immediately repair to the Kings Standard, their Negroes and Servants free that was able and willing to bear arms. Since that the ivhole countys of Norfolk and Princes Ann to a man has come in to the Standard which is noiv erected in Norfolk and taken the Oaths of Allegiance to his Majesty — a fciv Individuals excepted which the Governor zvoiild not allotv' In order to make some examples of some of the Leading Men. before Saturday Night I think Government will have such a party here as the Shirt Men dare not face, there was a great many volinteers went with the Governor and his party to Kemps, the greatest part of which has had the Offer of Commissions, amongst the rest George Blair K appointed and has accepted a Captains Commission in one of the Companys which-is to be rais"d Imediately. I hope we shall be allowed to remain in peace and quietness Now. John Brown who was one of the volinteers upon the Strength of being protected has begun to Load his Sch° with Staves for Jamaica, they bear a high price amongst all the West Indie Islands. I Should Send Pickets Sloop out Imediately, but I keep him to hold my goods in case of accident that I May have my property amply lillegible~. as soon as the Regt is completed which is now raising, I shall land the Whole of my goods and think them very Safe in my Stores again. ' Virginian minute-men, often dressed in hunting-shirts. ■ Col. Anthony Lawson, J. P., was one of the richest and most prominent men of Princess Anne County. Proposals for his exchange and that of Col. Hutchings were made in vain by the Virginia Committee of Safety, May 3, 1776, Calendar of Virginia State Papers, VIII. 166; Lawson was released on parole in the ensuing November by Governor Tonyn of East Florida, after confinement at St. Augustine. The order for release is printed in Hanson's Old Kent of Mary- land, p. 174.