Narrative of a Voyage to Maryland, lyo^-ijod 333
short thick head and when itt flyes itt extends all itts feete which spreads a sort of thin skin which holds the wind butt cannott fly far. They are mighty pretty Petts. I have knowne 'em brought to England verry often to make pressents off; there is also another sort of squirrell Com- only Called a Ground Squirrell which is much less then either nott being much biger then a Mouse of a Redish collour striped with black all along the sides and Back with a pretty tayle that Covers itt all over when itt sitts upon itts hinder parts, these are nott verry scarce but are verry hard to be ketch'd. these are also brought as rarities to England, with a sort of Birds Called red Birds nott so much to be admired for there fine singing as for there fine Collour, as also a Bird Called a Mock- ing Bird which will imitate any Bird itt heares in woods. I have much admired my selfe this bird for I have satt an hower or two together to heare how Dexterously itt will Mock the rest of the Birds, itt is about the bigness of our threshes of an ash Collour'd. there is another sort of a Bird which I think a great rareity which is called the Huming Bird which is nott a quarter so big as our renn. I have seene a large Bee verry neere as big. itt is of severall sorts of Collours and the swifftest in flight of any in the world, itt feeds upon the Blossom of trees as Bees doe the Blossoms of fflowers. the Governers Lady of Virginia had one presented to her butt nott telling what to feed itt with itt Dyed butt they keep the Carcase hung up in the house which is worth any ones seing that is Curious. [10] I heard she should say shee would have given a hundred guinies itt could have bin kept alive. the Indians, of that Cuntrey are very Lusty Propper men as You shall see haveing fine straitt Limbs off a Tawney Complection useing Beares Greese to anoint theimselves and so lett itt Dry in in the sun. there haire is as black as jett butt they Notch itt and Cutt itt into severall formes and shapes as Best likes 'em being verry antick as to what formes and shapes they Cutt itt in some leaveing Nothing butt a Lock behind some Leaving 2 Locks one of each side some one onely just upon their forehead sometimes one upon the Crowne of there heads, they Paint there Bodies all over with some sort of Pictures or other and also there faces, the woomen are also painted like the men have verry long Black haire downe to their hams, they Carry there Children att there Backs Like our Gipsies butt the men Carrie the Gun and the TomahauKe and they take care to build up their Cabbins which they always doe in a swamp or a Branch neare to a Little run of waiter, they Cutt downe halfe a dozen forked Poles and sett 'em up anend then they Cutt Downe some small Poles for Raffters and so Covering itt with Barke they make there fire in the Midle of the Cabbin and so lye Round itt upon Matts or Beare skins which they often kill and eate they being exterordinary food, they Live Much upon oysters getting vast quantities of 'em and so Roast 'em in a fier as also fish which they are great artists att Catching and sometimes they shoote 'em with Bow and arrows which thev learne their Children to doe before