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Under the title Confederate Operations in Canada and Xezi' York (Neale) Captain John V. Headley gives a detailed account of the Con- federate efforts to harass the North, particularly the incendiary attempt on New York, of November 25, 1864, in which the author took part. There is also some account of the writer's service in Kentucky and Tennessee earlier in the war. The Library of Congress has published a List of Discussions of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments zuith Special Reference to Negro Suffrage, compiled under the direction of A. P. C. Griffin, the Chief Bibliographer. Twenty Years in the Press Gallery (New York, Publishers' Printing Company), by O. O. Stealey, is an account of public events and charac- ter as seen by the author during the decades in which he was the Wash- ington correspondent of the Louisville Courier-Journal. The first part of the book contains intimate views of Washington life, public and private, and a sketch of the legislation passed in the period under re- view. The second part consists of character-sketches of some twenty- seven public men, written by various colleagues of Mr. Stealey. LOCAL ITEMS, ARRANGED IN GEOGRAPHICAL ORDER An interesting document is printed in the July issue of the Historical Collections of the Essex Institute: "Journal of a 'oyage to Nova Scotia made in 1731 by Robert Hale of Beverly". The original manu- script is in the library of the American Antiquarian Society. We note the following contributions to the New England Historical and Genealogical Register for July : a biographical sketch of Robert C. Winthrop, Jr., by Henry H. Edes ; " Extracts from the Journal of Constantine Hardy in the Crown Point E.xpedition of 1759", communi- cated by Charles A. Flagg; and an article, by Honorable George Shel- don, on "The Conference at Deerfield, Mass., August 27-31, 1735, between Gov. Belcher and Several Tribes of Western Indians ", which includes extracts from a diary kept by a member of the governor's council. History of the To-en of Lyndcborough, 1735-1905. in two volumes, prepared by Rev. D. Donovan and Jacob A. Woodward, has been pub- lished by the town. A valuable bit of X'ermontana is again made generally accessible by the reprinting of " Zadock Steele's Narrative " of the burning of Royalton, Vermont, by Indians (Boston, H. M. Upham). The editor, Miss Ivah Dunklee, has included in the volume, in addition to the re- print, a considerable amount of other material bearing on the history of Royalton. Mr. Robert T. Swan's eighteenth report as Commissioner of Public Records (Massachusetts) contains, among other matters, a discus- sion of the relative merits of vaults and safes as regards protection