2o6 Notes and News
NETHEKLANDS AND BELGIUM Miss J. W. A. Naber of Amsterdam has won the prize offered by the Teyler Society of Haarlem for a History of the Netherlands during the period of annexation to France, based upon documents in the State Archives at The Hague and in the National Archives at Paris. Her study appears in the V erhandelingen of the Teyler Society, n. s., VI., under the title Gcschiedenis van Nedciiand tijdcns de InUjving bij Frankrijk (Haarlem, Bohn, 1905, pp. 418). The quinquennial prize for national Belgian history has been awarded for the period 1901-1905 to Professor Leon Vanderkindere of the University of Brussels for his book, La Formation Territoriale des Principautcs Beiges an Moyen Age (Brussels, Lamertin, vols. I. and H.). Dr. H. T. Colenbrander's work on the Belgian Revolution of 1830, De Belgische Omzventeling (The Hague, Nijhoff, pp. 211), is drawn largely from unpublished sources, notably those in English archives. Documentary publications: G. Espinas and H. Pirenne, Recueil de Documents relatifs a I'Histoire de I'Industrie Drapierc en Flandre, vol. I. [Commission Royale d'Histoire de Belgique] (Brussels, P. Imbreghts, 1906, pp. XX, 694) ; Marcus Van Vaernewijck, Troubles en Flandre au XVI' Siecle, trans, by H. Van Duyse, pub. by M. de Smet de Nayer (Ghent, N. Heins, 1906, vol. H., pp. 618, 25 plates, 290 engravings) ; F. J. Vanden Branden, De Spaansche Furie [documents] (Antwerpsch Archievenblad, 1906, XXHI. 353-471) ; F. J. L. Kramer, Journalen van den Stadhouder Willem II. nit de Jaren 1641-1650 (Bijdragen en Mededeelingen van het Historisch Genootschap, 1906, XXVH.). Noteworthy articles in periodicals : R. Maere, Les Origiues de la Nonciatnre de Flandre: Etude sur la Diplomatie Pontiftcale dans les Pays-Bas a la Fin du XVI' Siecle, I. (Revue d'Histoire Ecclesiastique, July). NORTHERN AND EASTERN EUROPE Kulturgeschichte Sclnvedens by Oscar Montelius begins with the oldest times and comes down to the eleventh century of the Christian era (Leipzig, E. A. Seemann, 1906, pp. ii, 336). Professor P. Fahlbeck of the University of Lund has written a hand- book on La Constitution Suedoise et le Parlcvicntarismc Modcrne (Paris, Picard, 1905, pp. 349), which includes the text of the constitu- tion of 1809 with the alterations up to 1904. The first volume of a Geschichte von Livland (1906, pp. xi, 294) by E. Seraphim has been issued in the series of Allgemeine Staatenge- schichte (Gotha, Perthes). The volume deals with the medieval history of Livonia and the period of the Reformation to 1582.