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204 Notes and Netvs

Lander, 1350-i^gS' with explanatory text by Dr. V. Hantzsch. The work is preparatory to an intended comprehensive publication on the de- velopment of the cartographic representation of the electorate and king- dom of Saxony. The new series Tilbinger Studicn fiir Schiv'dbische und Deutsche Rechtsgeschichte (Tubingen, Laupp) is opened by two monographs by the editor of the series, Professor F. Thudichum, one on Die Stadtrechte von Tiibingen 1^88 iind 1493 (1906, pp. viii, 79) and the other, Die Diosescn Konstanz, Augsburg, Basel, Speier, Worms nach Hirer alien Eintcilung in Archidiakonate, Dekanate und Pfarreien (1906, pp. 125). In his work entitled Kaiser Maximilian I. als Kandidat fiir den Pdpstlichcn Stuhl, 151 1 (Leipzig, Duncker and Humblot, 1906, pp. vii, 86), A. Schulte concludes that the Emperor entertained the project of uniting the tiara and the imperial crown. A new collection of Flugschriftcn aiis den Ersten Jahren der Refor- mation, intended to comprise all the characteristic, original and interest- ing specimens of this class of writings up to the year 1525, including those by Catholic writers, will be published in a series of volumes by Dr. Otto Clemen and several well-known collaborators through the house of Haupt, Halle. A history of Die Jngend und Erziehung der Kurfiirsten von Branden- burg und Konige von Preusscn is being compiled from archive material by Dr. Georg Schuster, archivist of the royal family of Prussia. The first volume by Dr. Schuster and F. Wagner begins with the Elector Frederick I. and ends with the Elector Joachim II. (Berlin, Hofmann, 1906, pp. xxiii, 608). A life of Queen Louisa of Prussia has recently been published by Miss M. Moffat through Methuen (pp. 326). Professor M. Doeberl of the University of Munich is writing an Entivickelungsgeschichte Bayerns, of which the first volume extends from the earliest times to the Peace of Westphalia (Munich, Oldenbourg, 1906, pp. X, 594) while the second will come down to the founding of the German Empire and conclude with a consideration of the present posi- tion of Bavaria in the Empire. The work, which treats of Bavarian history from the standpoint of the general historical development of Germany, is addressed to the teacher, the university student and the general reader, and is provided with bibliographies. The first half of volume ninety-four of the Archiv fiir Oester- reichischc Geschichte (Vienna, Holder, 1906, pp. 310) is composed of four contributions towards the historical atlas of the Austrian Alp lands : Die Entstehung der Landgerichte im Bayrisch-Oesterreichischen Rechts- gcbiete, by H. v. Voltelini; Immunitdt, Landeshoheit und Waldschenk- ungcn, by E. Richter ; Gemarkungen und Steuergemeinden im Lande Salsburg also by E. Richter; Das Land im Nordcn der Donau, with map showing possessions of lay lords at the beginning of the thirteenth cen- tury, by J. Strnadt.

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