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Germany, Austria, a)id Switzer/and 203

mission of Nassau (p. 957) ; in volume XXVII., the Historical Com- mission of Baden (pp. 244-246) ; the Historical Commission for the pub- lication of the sources of Lotharingian history (pp. 246-247) ; the Ger- man Commission of the Berlin Academy of Sciences (pp. 473-476) ; the Historical Commission of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences (pp. 477- 480) ; the Commission for the Modern History of Austria (pp. 480- 481) ; the Society for the History of the Rhineland (pp. 722-724) ; and the Historical Commission of Hesse and Waldeck (pp. 725-726). In volume XXVII. 3. pp. 716-722, a full statement is made regarding pub- lications of the past year in the Monumenta Germaniac Historica. The publications in the section of " Scriptores " have been already noted in our pages (XI. 473, 730; and above, p. 192) ; in the section of "Leges" J. Schwalm has edited Constitutiones ct Acta Publica, III. 2 (1273- 1298); I'. I (1298-1310); the section of " Diplomata " has issued the first volume of Urkundcn dcr Karoliugcr. 751-814: and that of " Antiqui- tates ", the third volume of Nccrologia Gcnnaniac. for the dioceses of Brixen, Freising and Regensburg. From the annual report of the Prussian Historical Institute in Rome (Quctlcn uiid Forschuiigcn, IX. i) we learn that of the first series of the Nuntiatitrbcrichte, the fifth volume, covering the years 1539-1541, and the tenth volume, covering the years 1547-154S, are nearly completed: of the third series of the Nuntiaturbcrichic, volume five is now in press; the Pragcr Nuntiaturbcrichte from 1603 to 1606 will be printed next year. Work on the Repertoriiim Geniianicuiii is continued by Dr. Goller. and Drs. Xiese and Schneider are carrying on the systematic investigation of Tuscan archives and libraries begim in 1904. In connection with the newly-undertaken investigations into the history of art Dr. Haseloff has visited the cities and castles of Capitania and Apulia and has studied with particular care the castle of Bari. Georg Caro's important essays on agrarian history are collected under the title Bcitriigc sur dllcrcn Dcutschcn JVirtschafts- und Vcrfassungs- gcschichtc (Leipzig, Veit. 1905. pp. 132). W. VVittich, whose important book on Grundhcrrschaft in Nordwest- dciitschland appeared ten years ago. has published a work on Altfreiheit und Dicnstbarkcit dcs Vradcls in Xicdcrsachscn (Stuttgart. Knhlham- mer, 1906, pp. vii, 203). The first publication of the new " Gesellschaft fiir Friinkische Geschichte ", the founding of which was noted in our pages one year ago, is R. Fester's Frankcn und die Krcisz'erfassung (Wiirzburg, Sturtz. 1906, pp. 78), which includes a summary inventory of " Krcisakten "' found in various archives. .

account of the undertakings of the Historical Commission of 

Saxony is given in the Historischc VicrtcljaJirschrift for March, pp. 148- 149. This commission has recently issued through Teubner, Leipzig, a collection of Die Ultestcn gedriicktcn Kartcn dcr Siichsisch-Thiiringischen

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