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202 Notes and Netvs

of S. Lapi, Citta di Castello. The primary object of the pubhcation is to secure to history, documents and memoirs found in private archives, as well as the personal reminiscences of men still living who had a part in events, or were eye-witnesses of them. Public archives are also laid under contribution. The editing of the four numbers which have thus far appeared is excellent, and the material included is, for the most part, of the first importance. The ground covered is restricted, but events in Umbria, 1796-1870, are of sufficient importance to merit universal attention and support for the Archivio. Documentary publications: R. Majocchi, N. Casacca, Codex Diplo- iiiaficiis Ord. E. S. Aiigiistini Papiae (Pavia, Rossetti, vols. I. [1258- 1400], II., 1905-1906) ; S. Lentulo, Historia dclle Grandi e Crudeli Per- secutioni fatte ai Tempi Nostri in Provensa Calabria e Piemonte contro il Popolo che chiaman Valdese, ed. T. Gay (Torre Pellice, Alpina, 1906) ; Actus de las Cortes dc Costilla publicadas for acuerdo del Congreso de los Diputados a propuesta de su Comision de Gobierno Interior: Cortes celebradas en Madrid en los anos de 1607 a 161 1, vol. XXVI. [1610-1611] (Madrid, Rivadeneyra, 1906). Noteworthy articles in periodicals: A. Huyskens, Das Kapitel von St. Peter in Rom unter dem EinUusse der Orsini (12/6-1^42) : I. Die Verwaltung der Peterskirche durch die Erspriester aus dcni Hanse Orsini, 1276-1^37 (Historisches Jahrbuch, XXVII. 2) ; Marino Falier (Edinburgh Review, July) ; G. Daumet, Les Testaments d'Alphonse X. le Savant Roi de Castille (Bibliotheque de I'ficole des Chartes, January- April). GERMANY, AUSTRIA, SWITZERLAND An account of the proceedings of the annual meeting of German his- torians, held in Stuttgart last April, is given on pages 294-302 of the May number of the Historische I'ierteljahrschrift; the July number of the same journal (pp. 428-429) contains an account of the conference of the " Landesgeschichtliche Publikationsinstitute ", held at the same time. The next Historikertag will take place in Dresden, in the autumn of 1907, under the presidency of Professor G. Seeliger. The seventh edition of the indispensable work of Dahlmann and Waitz, Quellenkiinde der Deutschcn Geschichte {heipzig, Dieterich, 1906, pp. 1020), has been completed by E. Brandenburg and his four associates, except for a supplement which will be issued early in next year and will bring all divisions of the bibliography down to the close of 1906. Be- sides the additional titles, some alterations in the arrangement dis- tinguish this edition from the last, which was published twelve years ago. During the past year the Historisches Jahrbuch of the Gorres-Gesell- schaft has contained detailed reports of the scientific activities of the following commissions and societies: in volume XXVI., number 4, the Roman Institute of the Gorres-Gesellschaft (pp. 950-953) ; the Society for the History of the Rhineland (pp, 954-957) ; the Historical Com-

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