Italy and Spain 201
A History of Rome in the Middle Ages by F. Marion Crawford and Professor G. Tomassetti is announced for publication by Macmillan. The first volume of H. Kretschmayr's Geschichte von Venedig, which comes down to the death of Enrico Dandolo, is issued in Lam- precht's series Geschichte der Europdischen Staaten (Gotha, Perthes, pp. xvii, 523). Markgrafen und Markgrafschaften im ItaUschen Koiiigreich von der Zeit von Karl deni Grossen bis aiif Otto den Grossen (774-962) is the title of an excellent and comprehensive study by A. Hofmeister pub- lished in the Mitteilitngen des Institiits filr Oesterreicliische Geschichts- forschung, VII. Erganzungsband, 2. (Innsbruck, Wagner, 1906, pp. 2I5-435-) The Guilds of Florence (Methuen, 1906, pp. ix. 622) is an attractive volume by Mr. Edgcumbe Staley which contains much interesting mat- ter, including excellent illustrations after miniatures in illuminated manuscripts and Florentine woodcuts. An extended bibliography of manuscripts and books is appended (pp. 585-599). In his work on Xotre Dame de Lorette (Paris. Picard. 1906, pp. 516) M. Ulysse Chevalier, compiler of the Repertoire des Sources His- toriques du Moyen Age, has made an exhaustive critical study of the authenticity of the legend of the translation of the Virgin's house. .'Xn admirable life of Saint Bernardine of Siena (1380-1444), by M. Paul Thureau-Dangin of the French Academy, has been translated into English by Baroness G. von Huge! and published by Button and Com- pany (1906, pp. xii, 288). It has been the author's aim "to utilize the original sources at his disposal so as to furnish the reader with a living portrait of the saint, with a graphic picture of his time and environment, and above all to discover the secret of that preaching which was attended by such marvellous results." Professor Lanciani is publishing through Messrs. A. Constable a book entitled Golden Days of the Renaissance in Rone, which aims at describing the evolution of the Eternal City from medieval conditions to the height of its Renaissance. Machiavelli's Art of War, The Prince, and Tlie Florentine History form volumes 39 and 40 of the series of " Tudor Translations ", pub- lished by Nutt, London. Signor E. Artom has published the first installment of the papers of his father Senator Artom, Cavour's private secretary, under the title L'Opera Politico del Scnatore I. Artom nel Risorgimento Italiano, Part I. (Bologna, Zanichelli). An excellent historical quarterly has recently been founded in Umbria. the Archivio Storico del Risorgimento Umbro (1796-1870), edited by Professor Giuseppe Mazzatinti, Dott. Giustiniano Degli Azzi, and Dott. Angelo Fani, and excellently printed by the publishing house