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200 Notes and News

Parlciiicnt dc Paris au XVI' Siecle (Nouvelle Revue Historique de Droit Franqais et fitranger, II., III., January-February; March-April; and, separately, Paris, Larose and Tenin, 1906, pp. 114) ; J. Richard, Origines de la Nonciature de France: Debuts de la Representation Per- manente sous Leon X., 1513-1521 (Revue des Questions Historiques, July) ; G. Pages, L'Histoire Diplomatique du Regne de Louis XIV. (Revue d'Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine, June) ; L. Cahen, La Societe des Amis des Noirs et Condorcet (La Revolution Franqaise, June) ; G. Bord, La Conspiration Magonnique de i^8p (Le Corre- spondant, May 10 and 25) ; £. Dejean, Une Statistique de la Seinc- Inferieure au Debut du Siecle Dernier sous I' Administration de Beugnot, I. La Preparation de la Statistique; II. Les Resultats de la Statistique (La Revolution Franqaise, June, July) ; F. Thenard and R. Guyot, Le Conventionnel Goujon, con. (Revue Historique, July-August) ; A. Bon- nefons. La Culte de la Raison pendant la Terreur (Revue des Questions Historiques, July) ; M. Pellet, Le General Humbert (La Revolution Franqaise, July) ; James W. Thompson, Napoleon as a Booklovcr (At- lantic Monthly, July) ; A. Aulard, Taine Historien de la Revolution Francaise, III. L'Assemblcc Constituante (La Revolution Franqaise, May). ITALY, SPAIN An important historical congress is to be held in Milan in November in connection with the International Exhibition recently opened in that city. It will deal exclusively with the history of modern Italy, 1 796-1 870, and its scope will be to stimulate and organize research in that special field, to further systematic and organized cataloguing of its historical documents and to create keener interest in their preserva- tion. An exhibition of historical documents and objects will be held in connection with the congress, and elaborate preparations are being made to secure unpublished material from both public and private archives throughout Italy. Among the supporters of the undertaking are the most notable historians of Italy, and not a few foreigners. Two Americans have been invited to attend the congress as delegates, Wil- liam Roscoe Thayer as representative of the United States, and H. Nelson Gay as one of the representatives of Rome. The publication of the official bulletin has been already begun, Bollettino Ufflciale del Prima Congresso Storico del Risorgimento Italiano e Saggio di Nostra Sistematica (Milano, L. T. Cogliati, 1906), a monthly periodical con- taining important unpublished historical documents and inventories of archives, as well as the official proceedings and communications of the congressional committees. Signor Pietro Sella proposes to publish under the title of Corpus Statutorum Italicorum a work in several volumes which will include the most important statutes up to 1400. He has issued a Piano di Pubblicazionc through Forzani, Rome (1906).

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