199 published the first number of its Bulletin Triincstricl (Paris, Imp. Na- tionale, and E. Leroux, 1906, pp. 104). which contains the circulars already published, a list of the members of the central Commission and of the departmental committees, a chronicle of various matters relative to the activities of the Commission and of the committees, reports of their meetings, announcements regarding their publications, etc. P. Boissonnade's Eludes Relatircs a I'Histoirc Sconowique de la Revolution Frait^aise (1789-1804). which appeared in the Revue de Syiitlii^se Historique, have been published separately (Paris, Cerf, 1906, pp. 172). M. Dry has written an extended account of Soldats Ambassadeurs sous le Dircctoire in two volumes published by Plon, Paris. M. Paul Gruyer has published a well-documented and well-illustrated volume on Napoleon, Roi de I'lle d'Elbe (Paris, Hachette, 1906, pp. 288). . translation of M. Herriot's book on Madame Recainier and her Friends, the French edition of which has already been reviewed in this journal, is announced for publication by Mr. Heinemann. The seventh volume of the Histoire Socialiste (Paris, J- Rouff). di- rected by M. Jaures, deals with the Restoration and is by M. Viviani;' the eighth volume, on the reign of Louis Philippe, is by M. Eugene Fourniere. Both writers are Socialist deputies, and the latter is his- torical lecturer at one of the great military schools. Documentary publications: Br. Krusch, Die Urkunden von Corbie und Levillains letztes Wort (Neues Archiv, XXXI. 2) ; J. Fraikin, Non- ciatures de France: Nonciatures de Clement I'll., vol. I. (1525-1527) [.Archives de I'Histoire Religieusc dc la France, vol. III.] (Paris, Picard, 1906, pp. 87, 450) ; Vicomte de Xoailles, Episodes de la Guerre de T rente Ans: Le Cardinal de la V alette. Lieutenant General des Armies du Roi, 1635-1639 (Paris, Perrin, 1906) ; Vicomte de Grouchy and P. Cottin, Journal Inedit du Due de Croy, 1718-1784 [from the manuscript in the Library of the Institute] (Paris, Flanimarion, 1906, two vols., pp. Ixiv, 528; 531) ; J. Baudry, Une Ambassade au Maroc en 176/, Documents Inedits (Revue des Questions Historiques, July) ; Comte de Lort de Serignan, Correspondance Intime du Due de Lauaun, General Biron, 1791-1792. [published for the first time in extenso from the original manuscripts of the historical archives of the Ministry of War] (Paris, Perrin, 1906) ; C. Ballot, Le Coup d'£tat du iS Fructidor an r. [reports of police and other documents] (Societe de I'Histoire de la Revolution, Paris) ; A. Hiibner, Erlebnisse zu'eier Briider tcdhrend der Belagerung von Paris und des Aufstandes der Kommune 1870 bis 1871 (Berlin, Paetel, 1906, pp. viii, 216). Noteworthy articles in periodicals: H. Baraude. Le Siege d'Orleans ct Jeanne d'Arc. 1428-142^ (Revue des Questions Historiques, July) ; E. Male, L'Art Fnmqais a la Fin du Moycn Age: L'Idce de la Mart el la Dansc Macabre (Revue des Deux Mondes, April) : F. Aubert, Le