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Great Britain aiid Ireland 195

information as to existing systems of historical teaching at home and abroad; the distribution of information amongst members as to methods of teaching and aids to teaching; the encouragement of local centres for the discussion of questions relative to the study and teaching of history ; the representation of the interests of the study to governmental authori- ties; and co-operation for common objects with similar associations of teachers of other subjects. The secretary fro tern, is Miss M. A. Howard, 7 Chenies Street Chambers, London, W. C. The Royal Historical Society has removed its headquarters from Serjeants' Inn to South Square, Gray"s Inn. where it will have increased accommodation. Abbot Gasquet will publish through Mr. George Allen a book on Parish Life in Mediaeval England dealing with parochial finance, parish church services, festivals, gilds, and amusements. The Great Roll of the Pipe for the Tu-eiity-Third year of the Reign of King Henry the Second, A. D. iij6-iijj (London. Spottiswood, 1905. pp. XXX, 260) forms the twenty-sixth volume published by the Pipe Roll Society. In a brief but comprehensive introduction Mr. J. H. Round indicates the more important contents of the Roll, such as the destruction of castles which had been held against the king in the civil wars, the great sums exacted for offenses against the forests, and lor final con- cords; the evidence relating to the working of the king's judicial re- forms, to his passion for building and the splendor of his court; and the aids exacted from boroughs and vills, which if compared with earlier similar payments, throw light on the economic development of the country. A monogrnph by F. Hardegen on the hnperialfolitik Konig Heinrichs II. von England forms the twelfth number of the Hcidelberger Abhand- hiugen cur Mittleren und Neueren Geschichte, edited by K. Hampe. E. Marcks and D. Schiifer. (Heidelberg, C. Winter.) The second volume of the Collectanea Anglo-Premonstratensia (1906, pp. xxvii, 267), edited by Abbot Gasquet. has been issued among the Camden publications of the Royal Historical Society, ^^â– hereas the first volume contained documents relating to the general administration of the Order in England, the second volume includes documents relating to individual houses, alphabetically arranged. The last house included is Irford. A third volume will contain the rest of the special documents and the index. Another recent number in the Camden publications is Acts and Ordi- nances of The Eastland Company (1906, pp. Ixxxviii, 175), edited for the Royal Historical Society from the original muniments of the Gild of Merchant Adventurers of York by Miss Maud Sellers. The volume also includes extracts from the court-book of the York Eastland Company, an appendix of charters and other official documents, and an introduction by the editor (pp. So") dealing with the organization and activities of the

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