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194 Notes and News

fascicle, pp. 279-574) I ?• A. Kirsch, Dcr Portiunkula-Ablass (Theo- logische Quartalschrift. LXXXVIII. 81-101, 221-291). MODERN EUROPEAN HISTORY Messrs. Macmillan announce the immediate publication of Lord Acton"s Lectures on Modern History, which have been edited by the Rev. J. N. Figgis and Mr. R. V. Laurence. The third and latest volume in the series of Geschichtliche Unter- SKcInnigL-n (Gotha, Perthes), edited by Professor Karl Lamprecht, con- tains three essays on the cultural history of France and Germany: Jean Bodin, by F. Renz ; Thomas Abbts historisch-politische Anschauungen, by O. Glaus ; and Die Anschauungen der Fransosen iiber die Geistige Kultur der Deutschen im Verlaufe des 18. und su Beginn des ig. Jahrhunderts. La Trait e Negriere aiix hides de Castille: Contrats et Traites d'As- sicnto (Paris, Larose and Tenin, 1906, two volumes, pp. xxii, 849, xxvii, 716) is a study in public law and diplomatic history drawn from the original sources and accompanied by several hitherto unpublished docu- ments, by M. Georges Scelle. The third volume of E. Bourgeois's valuable Manuel Historiquc de Politique Etrangcre covers the period 1830-1S78 (Paris, Belin, 1905, pp. 866). Documentary publications : L. Gardauns, Ein Programtn sur Wieder- herstellung der Kirchlichen Einheit aus deni Jahre 1540 (Quellen und Forschungen, IX. i); A. Glergeac, Inventaire Analytique et Chrono- logique de la Serie des Archives du Vatican dite " Lettere di Vescovi " [1657-1669] (Annales de Saint Louis des Franqais, X., pp. 319-3751 con.) ; F. M. Kircheisen, Die Schriftcn von und iiber Friedrich von Gentz (Mitteilungen des Instituts fiir Oesterreichische Geschichtsfor- schimg, XXVIL I). Noteworthy articles in periodicals: E. Troeltsch, Die Bedeutung des Protestantismus fiir die Entstehung der Modernen Welt (Historische Zeitschrift, XCVII. i ) ; P. Herre, Mittelmeerpolitik im 16. Jahrhundert (Historische Vierteljahrschrift, July) ; L. Willaert, Negociations poli- tico-religieuses entre I'Angleterre et les Pays-Bas Catholiques (i^gS- 1625) (Revue d'Histoire Ecclesiastique, July) ; J. F. Chance, The North- ern Question in I/18 (English Historical Review, July) ; F.-C. Roux, La Politique Francaise en Sgypte a la Fin du XVIIP Siccle, II. (Revue Historique, July-August) ; Canning and the Treaty of Tilsit (Edinburgh Review, April) ; G. Yakschitch, La Russie et la Porte Ottomane de i8i2 a 1826, I. (Revue Historique, July-August). GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND An Historical Association has recently been formed in England to which all persons are eligible who are engaged or interested in the teaching of history. The aims of the association are the collection of

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