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Medieval History 193

dent who wishes to obtain quickly and easily an i lea of the contents of the book may do so by reading Mr. G. G. Coulton's From St. Francis to Dante (London, Xutt, 1906, pp. vi. 364). which is a translation of a large part of the chronicle together with illustrations from other medieval sources, and a running commentary. Entstchung unci Ausbrcitwig dcs Klarisscnordcns bcsondcrs in den Dcutschcn Minoritenprovinzcn (Leipzig, Hinrichs, 1906, pp. 179) is the title of a monograph by Dr. E. Wauer, who in 1903 published a disserta- tion on Die Anfiinge des Klarisscnordcns in den Slawischcn Landern. The book includes chronological lists, arranged under countries, and an alphabetical table of the 135 houses of the order that are dealt with. A life of Cardinal Giordano Orsini, who played an important role in the Councils of Pisa and Constance and was one of the earliest adherents of humanism in the papal court, has been written from printed sources, and from the manuscript material in Italian archives by Dr. E. Konig (Freiburg, Herder, 1906, pp. xii, 124). [Studien und Darstellungen au& dem Gebiete der Geschichte, ed. by H. Grauert, V. i.] Documentary publications: H. Otto, Ungcdnickte Aktcnstiicke aus dcr Zcit Karls IV. (Quellen und Forschungen, IX. i) ; A. Sorbelli, II Trattato di S. Vincenso Ferrer intorno al Grande Scisma d'Occidente (Bologna, Zanichelli, 1906, pp. 159) ; M. de Alpartil, Chronica Actita- torum Tonporibiis Domini Bcncdicti XIII. , I., ed. F. Ehrle [Quellen und Forschungen, Gorres-Gesellschaft, XII]. (Paderborn, F. Schon- ingh, 1906, pp. xlii, 616) [published for the first time, with introduction, text, and appendix of unprinted documents]. Xoteworthy articles in periodicals: F. Schneider. Zur cillcrcn Pdpsl- lichcn Finanzgcschichte (Quellen und Forschungen, IX. i); H. U. Kantorowicz, Schriftvcrgleichung und Urkundcnfactschung: Beitrag sur Geschichte dcr Diplomatik im Mittclaltcr (Quellen und Forschungen, IX. I ) ; A. Meister, Burggrafenamt odcr Burggrafentitcl? Die Prafck- tur (Historisches Jahrbuch, XXVII. 2); P. Fournier, (itude sur Ics Fausses Dccrctalcs, III. La Patric dcs Fausscs Dccrctalcs; i. Lcs Pro- vinces de Mayence et Reims (Revue d'Histoire Ecclesiastique, July) ; K. G. Hugelmann, Der Einfiuss Papst Viktors II. aiif die U'ahl Heinrichs IV.; Ein Beitrag 2nr Geschichte des Pdpstlichcn Approhationsrechts bei der Deutschen Konigstvahl (Mitteilungen des Instituts fiir Oester- reichische Geschichtsforschung. XXVII. 2) ; J. v. Pflugk-Harttung, Das Papst'vahldekret dcs Jahrcs lo^g (Mitteilungen des Instituts fiir Oester- reichische Geschichtsforschung. XXVII. i); H. Thurston, The English Pope and his Irish Bull (The Month, April, May) [a critical study of the bull Laiidabilitcr, which the author believes to be authentic] ; K. Hampe, Znm Erbkaiserplan Heinrichs VI. (Mitteilungen des Instituts fiir Oes- terreichische Geschichtsforschung, XXVII. i): C. Kohler, Melanges pour servir a I'Histoire de I'Oricnt Latin et dcs Croisades (Revue de rOrient Latin, 'in.. IX., X. and separately, Paris, Leroux, 1906, 2d

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