192 Notes and News
A contribution to the history of medieval exegesis has been made by Dr. J. B. Hablitzel in his work on Hrabanns Maiirus (1906, pp. viii, 106) which forms the third number of the eleventh volume in the series of Biblisclic Stttdicn published by Teubner, Leipzig. The first of the series of Menioires et Travaiix publics par des Pro- fesseurs de Facultes CathoUques de Lille is E. Lesne's important volume on La Hierarchic £piscopalc, Provinces, Metro politains, Primats, en Gaule et Germanic depnis la Rcforme de Saint Boniface jusqu'a la Mort d'Hincmar, 742-882 (Paris, Picard, pp. xvi, 350). Dr. G. H. Putnam's new book on The Censorship of the Chtirch, and its Influence upon the Production and Distribution of Literature is being published by his own firm, Messrs, G. P. Putnam's Sons. The memoirs of Guibert de Nogent, the historian of the crusades, are to be published in the Collection de Textes destinee a I'Stude et a I'En- scigiiciiiciit dc I'Histoirc (Paris, Picard). A monograph by B. Monod on Lc Maine Guibert ct son Temps was published last year through Hachette, Paris. M. L. de Kerval has contributed to the series of Opuscules de Critique Historique (Paris, Fischbacher, 1906, pp. 221-288) a study of L'£volu- tion et le Developpcnicnt du Mcrvcillcux dans Ics Lcgcndcs de S. Antoine de Padoue. Dr. A. Meister, whose book on the beginnings of modern diplomatic cryptography published in 1902 did not include a study of papal cipher- writing, has now made good this omission in a comprehensive work entitled Die Geheimschrift im Dienste der Pdpstlichen Kurie von ihrcn Anfdngen bis sum Ende des XVL Jahrhunderts [Quellen und For- schungen aus dem Gebiete der Geschichte, Gorres-Gesellschaft, Vol. XI.] (Paderborn, F. Schoningh, 1906, pp. 450). An important study of the origins and early history of indulgences has been made by Dr. A. Gottlob in his work entitled Kreusablass und Almosenablass (1906), which forms the thirtieth and thirty-first volumes of the Kirchenrechtliche Abhandlungcn edited by Dr. U. Stutz and pub- lished by F. Enke, Stuttgart. E. Gerland's Geschichte des Lateinischen Kaiserreiches von Kon- stantinopel, /. Geschichte der Kaiser Balduin I. und Heinrich. 1204- 1216 (Homburg v. d. Hohe, Gerland, 1905, pp. vii, 264), which is said to contain fuller references to authorities than any previous work on the same subject, forms part of a general history of the Prankish dominion in the Greek world — an undertaking whose starting-point is furnished in the manuscript remains of K. Hopf. historian of Greece in the Middle Ages. The autobiography of the Franciscan Fra Salimbene (1221-1288) is being published under the editorship of Professor Holder-Egger in the Monumcnta Germaniac (Scriptores, Vol. XXXII., Part I.). The stu-