Medieval History 1 9 1
Noteworthy articles in periodicals: E. Revillout, Amasis ct la Chute de I' Empire Sgyptien (Revue des Questions Historiques, July) ; J. B. Bury, The Homeric and the Historic Kimmerians (Klio, VI. i) ; M. J. Chabert, Histoire Sommaire des £tudes d'Epigraphie Grecque en Europe (Revue Archeologique, March, 1905-ApriI, 1906) ; J. Beloch, Griechische Aufgebotc, II. (Klio, VI. i); F. Cumont. Les Ciiltcs d'Asic Mincurc dans le Paganisme Romain (Revue de I'Histoire des Religions, January- February). EARLY CHXJRCH HISTORY Mgr. Duchesne, the learned editor of the Liber Pontificalis and the Liber Ccnsuum of the Roman church, has written a Histoire Ancienne de I'Bglise (Paris, Fontemoing, 1906, pp. 577), which comes down to the end of the third century. That the subject has been treated not only in a masterly but in an interesting manner may be inferred from the fact that a second edition has appeared two months after the first edition was put on sale. Documentary publications: A. Bruckner, Qucllcn aur Geschichtc des Pelagianischen Strcites [Sanimlung ausgewahlter Kirchen- und Dogmen- geschichtlicher Quellenschriften, II. 7] (Tubingen, Mohr. 1906, pp. viii, 103). Noteworthy articles in periodicals: J. Leipoldt, Christcntum und Stoizismus (Zeitschrift fiir Kirchcngcschichte, June) : H. v. Schubert, Hypatia von Alexandrian in Wahrhcit und Dichtung (Preussisciie Jahr- biicher, 1906, .April ). MEDIEVAL HISTORY The Prize Bordin has been awarded as follows: to M. J. Gay, for his work L'ltiilie Mcridionale ct I'Empire Byaantin deptds I'Avcnement de Basilc L jusqii'a la Prise dc Bari par Ics Normands, 867-1071 (Bibli- otheque des ficoles Franqaises d'Athenes et de Rome, fasc. 90, Paris, Fontemoing. 1905) 2000 francs: to MM. C. Samaran and G. Mollat for their work La Fiscalitc Pontificate en France an XIV' Si'ecle, Periode d' Avignon ct Grand Schisme d'Occident (ibid., fasc. 96, pp. xv, 278) 600 francs; and to P. Champion for his volume on GiiiUainne dc Flavy, Capi- taine de Compiegne: Contribution a I'Histoire dc Jeanne d'Arc ct a l'£tudc dc la Vie Militaire ct Privee an XV' Siccle (Paris, Dumoulin, 1906, pp. xix, 307) 400 francs. A Manuel d'Art Bysantin by IM. Ch. Diehl is announced to appear in 1907 through the house of Picard. The new series, Qucllcn und Untcrsuclningen cur Latcinischen Phil- ologie des Mittelalters (Munich, Beck) edited by L. Traube, opens with a work by S. Hellmann entitled Sedulius Scotns (1906, pp. xvi, 203), which includes the first complete and critical edition of the Liber de Rcctoribus Christianis, and studies on his Collectancum or collection of extracts and of his commentary on Saint Paul.