Ancioit History 189
conveniently summarized by the author in his article " Osterbetracht- ungen ", in the Zcitschrift fiir die Ncutestamentlichcn JVisscnschaft, VII., 1906. In Heresies of Sea Pozcer (Longmans, 1906. pp. 341) by Fred. T. Jane, " no attempt is made to go into the details of past history. Only the main facts are selected for comparison with accepted theories of Sea power, and thence is deduced a new theory as to what history really does teach." Seiji George Hishida's study of The International Position of Japan as a Great Poiver (Macmillan, 1905, pp. 289 [Columbia Studies in His- tory, etc.] ) deals with " the International Society of Ancient Asia," 660 B. C.-930 A. D. ; "Dreams of Universal Empire", 894-1595; the first intercourse of Japan with European nations, 1541-1638; the re-opening of sealed Japan. 1643-1863; entry into the comity of nations; modern relations with Asiatic nations; and the Far Eastern question. Appen- dixes contain the treaty of Portsmouth and the renewed Anglo-Japanese alliance. The first work selected for editing in Father Beccari's notable series, Rerttm Aethiopicarum Scriptores Occidentales inediti a saecnlo XVI. ad XIX. (Paris, Picard). is Historica Acthiopiae by the seventeenth-century Jesuit, Father Petro Pacz. Noteworthy articles in periodicals: T. Lindner, Reaktion und Kon- trast in der Geschichte (Archiv fiir Kulturgeschichte, IV. 3) ; P. Allard, Les Lcgendes Hagiographiqucs (Revue des Questions Historiques, July) ; G. Liebe, IVaffenkundc und Kulturgeschichte (Archiv fiir Kul- turgeschichte, IV. 3) ; P. Sakmann, Die Problcme der Historischen Methodik und der Geschichtsphilosophie bei Voltaire (Historische Zcit- schrift, XCVII. 2) ; G. d'Avenel, Les Riches depuis Sept Cent Ans. I. Les Millionnaires d' Autrefois, II. — En qiioi consistaicnt les Anciennes Fortunes (Revue des Deux Mondcs, Fcliruary 15, March 15). ANCIENT HISTORY The first volume of Supplementary Papers of the American School of Classical Studies in Rome (pp. iv, 220) has been published by the Alac- millan Company. The American Journal of Archaeology will continue to publish papers by members of the school, but those that cannot be in- cluded in its pages will appear in the series inaugurated in the above- mentioned volume. Messrs. Longman announce for immediate publication a history of IV Oman: Her Position and Influence in Ancient Greece and Rome and among the Early Christians, by Dr. J. Donaldson, Principal of the Uni- versity of St. Andrews, and Stoic and Christian in the Second Century, by Leonard Alston, Burney prizeman of Cambridge.
- Mr. G. F. Hill, author of The Coins of Sicily, has brought out a work
on Historical Greek Coins (London, Constable, 1906) with plates illus- trating over 100 coins.