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Genej'al 187

Mr. '. L. Grant, formerly of the University of Toronto, has been appointed Beit Lecturer on colonial history in the University of Oxford, as assistant to Professor Egerton. Professor E. L. Stevenson of Rutgers College has been appointed lecturer on historical cartography in Columbia University. Among other faculty changes and appointments we note the follow- ing: Dr. Guy S. Ford of Yale is to be professor of European history in the University of Illinois; Dr. G. H. Roberts has been appointed as- sistant professor of history in the Universit}' of California; Mr. William K. Boyd goes from Dartmouth College to Trinity College (Durham, N. C.) ; Dr. A. H. Shearer of Trinity College (Hartford) is to be instructor in history in Dartmouth ; Mr. Cecil F. Lovell, of Bates, has been ap- pointed professor of history in Trinity College (Hartford) ; Dr. Charles E. Fryer is to be instructor in history in McGill University; Dr. J- F. Willard has been appointed assistant professor in the University of Colorado. Professor Samuel B. Platner has spent the summer in Rome in the study of recent explorations, as a preliminary to the preparation of a new edition of his work on the Forum. During the coming academic year the Viscount Georges d'Avenel will deliver before the Cercle Franqais at Harvard University a course of lectures on " The Economic History of France from the Middle Age to the Twentieth Century ". The Prussian Ministry of Education has established in Columbia Uni- versity the Kaiser W'ilhelm chair of German history and institutions, corresponding to the Theodore Roosevelt professorship, previously de- scribed in these columns. The first appointee to the new chair is to be Dr. Hermann Schumacher, ordinary professor of political economy in the University of Bonn. The third volume of the Atti del Congrcsso Intcrnacioualc di Scicnze Storiche (Rome, April. 1903) is concerned with medieval and modern history, historical method, and the auxiliary sciences. (Roma. R. Aca- demia dei Lincea, 1906, pp. lii, 719.) The general governments of Indo-China and of Madagascar have founded a course in colonial history at the Sorbonne, in charge of M. Prosper Cultru. M. Cultru's Lcqon d'Ouvcrturc du Cours has been printed by Jacquin (Besanqon, 1906, pp. 30). A work on Lord Acton and His Circle by Abbot Gasquet is announced for immediate publication by Mr. George Allen. The book will contain many letters to various correspondents hitherto unpublished. We congratulate the editors of the Historischc Zeitschrift upon the enlargement and improved appearance of their excellent and celebrated journal ; and upon the adoption of Latin instead of German type — a change that will be especially welcomed by foreign readers. A general index to volumes 57-96 is now in press.

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