6 J. F. Baldwin
The bishop of Carlisle' 400 ni. The bishop of London" 200 1. The earl of March' 200 1. Lord Latimer (removed after 3 months)* 40 1. Lord Cobham (removed after 3 months )° 40 1. Richard de Stafford, banneret" 200 m. Roger de Beauchamp, banneret (removed)'. ... 40 m. Henry Lescrope, knight' 200 m. Hugh de Seagrave, knight," at 6 s. 8 d. a day. ... 113 1. 6 s. 8 d. Of the men appointed in the second year at the Parliament of Gloucester, little would be known but for the wage accounts of its members. As their names do not appear upon the Parliament roll, they can be ascertained only from the exchequer statement of their wages. This time the experiment was tried of making all payments by daily wages instead of by salaries, bishops and earls receiving two marks a day, bannerets one mark, and knights one- half mark. The list so far as the accounts show is as follows ■}" Rate Days of of Amounts Wages. The bishop of Winchester 2 m. The bishop of Bath 2 m. The earl of Arundel 2 m. The earl of Suffolk 2 m. Robert de Hales, Prior of the Hospital of St. Johns Jerusalem, banneret I m. Roger de Beauchamp, banneret i m. Alvredo de Veer, knight -J m. Robert Rous, knight -J m. This list is noteworthy as showing the only instance in which the system of wages by the day was applied to all of the council. It may be observed that by fairly regular attendance the men earned more in this way than they would by yearly salaries. This method was soon discarded entirely. That the regular payment of salaries and wages to councillors was distinctly a matter of Par- liamentary rather than of royal policy is further shown in the ordin- ances for the governance of the council which were framed in 1390. It was then enjoined that lords of the council should have reward according to their work and expenses, and that bachelors should Mssue Roll, I Ric. II., Pasch., Aug. u. '-Ihid.. m. J4. -Ihid. (Pells), Easter, m. 16. ° Ibid., m. 22. 'Ibid. (Devon), p. 207. 'Ibid., m. 24. Ubid. (Pells), Mich., m. 24. ^ Ibid.. Pasch., .ug. 5. "Accounts Exchec|uer. K. R., 96/14. '"Issue Rolls, 3 Ric. II., passim. There may of course have been others whose wages are not recorded. Service. Received. 276 368 1. 278 370 I 13s. 4d. 155 206 1. 13s. 4d. 228 1. 238 158 1. 13s. 4d. 277 184 !. 13s. 4d. 113 37 1- 13s- 4d. 80 27 1.