Project of Latin-American Confederation, 1856 10 1
since taken place at my own house, attended by the diplomatic represen- tatives of Guatemala and San Salvador, Nicara^a, Costa Rica, Peru, Venezuela, and Brazil, the only ones at this season in Washington. The representatives of Mexico and New Granada, who were absent, should likewise be counted on. The result of this long conference has been the determination to propose immediately to their governments the formation of a species of diet or congress in which all shall be repre- sented and which shall provide for the defense of their common inde- pendence and establish relations of close and permanent union between all ancient Spanish America and Rio Janeiro. The most effective and adequate measures, according to the view of these gentlemen, for real- izing the purpose indicated, and which should be made the object of discussion of the proposed congress, are those which are set down in the inclosed document number i, which they have resolved should be com- municated through me only to Spain, though authorizing me to give verbal information in detail to my colleagues of England and France. So I have done, and both ministers are of the opinion that the step is an exceedingly timely one in the present complicated state of things. I hasten to inform Your Excellency of all, as is my duty. May God preserve Your Excellency many years. Washington, February 28, 1856. Excellent Sir, Kissing the hands of Your Excellency. I am Your Excellency's respectful and faithful servant, (signed) Alfonso de Esc.lante. A true copy. III. The Articles of Confederation Proyecto de una Confederacion de los Estados independientes de la America espafiola y portuguesa quedando todos ellos en el pleno goce de su respectiva soberania y ligados solamente por la defensa comun de todos ellos. Los obgetos de la Confederacion solo seran, hacerse cada Estado mas respetable por la union de todos los Confederados ; asegurar asi mas y mas la respectiva independencia, garantizarse mutuamente la integridad de sus territorios, afianzar la paz interior y exterior y estrechar los vinculos de la amistad y las relaciones de comercio que e.xigen la comunidad de intereses. Las bases sobre las cuales podria establecerse la confederacion parece que serian las siguientes : I a. Comprometerse los Confederados a no consentir ninguno de ellos que fuesen atacados por nacion alguna la independencia, ni la intregridad [ji'c] de territorio de otro confederado, mirando como enemigo comun al invasor 6 al ofensor de cualquiera de los Estados de la Confederacion. 2a. Comprometerse todos a no ceder jamas, ni a enegenar [enajenar] ninguna parte de sus territorios, ni a consentir que dentro de sus llmites se fornien Colonias de naturaleza nacional extrangera. sino que por el