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Project of Latin- American Confederation, i8j6 99

neither promote disturbances nor think it to their interest that they should be promoted; on the contrarj', they give the surest guaranties of being identified with the lot of the country to which they carry both their industry and their fortunes. " Her Majesty's government considers it unnecessarj- to recommend to Your Excellency to use the greatest tact and the most exquisite pru- dence in the further steps which may be taken to earn.- out the idea of alliance, in order not to offend the susceptibility of the Anglo- American Union, in spite of the fact that it can see in the declared project nothing more than an imitation, though imperfect, of the union which the ancient English colonies so brilliantly achieved after their emancipation, and of those which centuries ago were framed by the Swiss cantons and the German states, confederations which so far from inspiring their neighbors with apprehensions are by them con- sidered as a guaranty of order and peace for the whole of Europe. " Your Excellency will please to convey the thanks of Her ^Majesty's government to the representatives of the American republics who authorized Your Excellency to transmit the project of the diet, making an honorific exception of us ; inform them of the sentiments expressed in this despatch and assure them that no nation entertains more ardent desires than ours that the diet be an accomplished fact, and that, once realized, it should contribute to the greater splendor and well-being of the Spanish race in America." By royal order I transmit this for Your Excellency's information and suitable purposes, inclosing copy of the despatch number 20 from Her Majestj-'s minister plenipotentiary at Washington and the project of confederation of the American republics. !May God preserve Your Excellency many years. Tlax de Z.v.l.. &I.DRID, March 22, 1S56. To the Captain-general of the Island of Cuba. A true copy. n. ESCAL.XTE TO ZaVAI.. Legaciox de Espaxa ex Washixgtox. Exmo. ScTwr. Miiy SeTior mio ; En mi comunicacion f[ec]ha 23. del actual, manifeste a V. E. que, fijo constantemente mi pensamiento en asegurar por todos los medios imaginables nuestra hermosa Antilla, nada omitia por mi parte con los Representantes aqui de la America Espaiiola. a fin de que conjura- sen el peligro que de esta poderosa Repiiblica amenaza a aquellos Estados y que de otra manera necesariamente llegaria a comprometer nuestras mismas posesiones, Tambien indicaba a . E. la entrevista tenida entre dichos Seiiores y el Jvlinistro de Francia. quien me habia pedido le presentase a ellos ; las dos reuniones celebradas ya : y por ultimo, la prudencia y tacto con que procuraba conducirme y atendida

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